Chapter 2 Exodus: Part 1 Not much of a warm Welcome

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"Hey, you alive in there?" The man in the radio said, Rick began to answer it "hello? Hello?" "There you are. You had me wondering" the man said, you listened and sighed to hear survivors there "Where are you? Outside? Can you see us right now?" " Yeah, I can see you. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news. I'm also worried about the kid with you, is she alright in there? I mean mentally." The man in the radio asked, you blinked about the question. Rick looks at you, smiles a bit "yes, she's fine. Is there a good news?" "No" "Look, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here. Even for the girl." You leaned you ear to the side of the tank to get a better hearing outside 'I hear them.. But not on the tank' you thought to yourself " Oh man. You should see it from over here. You'd be having a major freak-out." "Got any advice for me?" Then the man advises him to make a run for it while they are distracted eating the horse.

Rick takes a gun and a grenade off the dead soldier in the tank then looks at you "You heard where to meet up with him, an alley up the street about 50 yards, okay?" He was confident you can be fast enough to make a run for it, you nodded "be safe, Rick.." You said "you too." then opens the hatch. You both jump out from the tank and ran down an alley, you getting ahead, Rick shoots out walkers as he goes following you. You met a guy as he pulls you in the alley "climb up the ladder, quick!" He said as he met with Rick. You climbed the ladder and waited for them, they both climbed up to safety as Rick hugs you "you did great." He said as you nodded, you three panted for air " Nice moves there, Clint Eastwood. You the new sheriff come riding in to clean up the town?" He sarcastically joked "It wasn't my intention." " Yeah, whatever. Yeehaw. You're still a dumbass." He said "Rick, thanks" Rick held his hand out to shake as the man shake them back "Glenn. You're welcome" the he looked down "oh no." Then all three of you looked up at the ladder " The bright side: It'll be the fall that kills us. I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy." You looked at Glenn, confused if he was joking or not.

You three reached to a street level, you saw few walkers in front of you, you were hesitating to grab your tanto then Glenn takes out his walkie-talkie "I'm back. Got a guest plus four geeks in the alley." He said then two other people, went out from a store, wearing riot gear emerge and beat down the walkers. As you three quickly went in the store and the two men came in as well. When you got in, you saw two females who also taking cover, a white woman with a blonde hair immediately has a gun pointed in front his face, while the black woman came to you "you alright, sweetheart?" She asked, you gave a slight nod "You son of a bitch. We ought to kill you." The woman scowled, who had a gun spat on Rick when one of the guys trying to calm her down "come on, Andrea, ease up. You're scaring the girl" the black woman said. Andrea was pissed at Rick then calmed down a bit seeing you. You all went to the store while the man named Morales explaining things to Rick and you see the zombies growling and trying to get into the store. A few Walkers is attempting to smash through the double set of doors to get to all of you, you dont feel scared at this but you knew well that you cant beat up 30 walkers at the same time.. Also you realized that they call walkers as geeks. " Oh God. What the hell were you doing out there anyway?" Andrea asked you and Rick "we..followed the helicopter.." You said silently, but expressionless " Helicopter? Man, that's crap. Ain't no damn helicopter." The man named T-Dog said "You were chasing a hallucination, imagining things. It happens." Jacqui said, holding your shoulder warmly "We saw it" Rick stated "Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B. Can you contact the others?" Morales asked then T-Dog took his walkie-talkie "Others? The refugee center?" Rick asked, hoping that his family is there and Jacqui confirmed him. T-Dog said that there was no signal and said that there might be one up the roof until you all heard a loud gunshot and look up the ceiling.

Okay~ end of part 1 sorry if you're still not going in action yet but will be soon enough

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