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After dinner it took the girl some time to get use to mom before she would let mom bathe her. They took a long time too. I was in my room getting a few blankets for her, and cleaning a little. I don't know why I cleaned. She was a girl and I just felt my room needed to be cleaned up a bit. I knew she'd be on the couch anyway, but she might walk in here. Billie you're not trying to impress her! I heard some movement and I stepped out. I heard the dryer come on in mom's room. I stepped to the couch and laid out the blankets and a pillow. I sat waiting. It was 10:38 and I was getting tired. I'm so glad today was Friday. I heard the dryer go off and I stood turning toward mom's room. The door opened and mom stepped out. The girl was behind her limping. She looked at me, and she looked beautiful. Her jet black her was clean and straight. It fell just below her breasts. She looked a bit healthier now that all that dirt was off her skin. Mom took one side of her and I ran up grabbing the other. We helped her to the couch, and we sat her down. She was wearing a pair of my pajama pants and one of mom's pajama shirts. "Just lay down honey." Mom said pushing her down slightly. "Billie prop her foot up on a pillow." I nodded and grabbed a couch pillow. I lifted her legs noticing mom wrapped a bandage on her ankle. I sat it on a pillow. The girl watched us as we pulled the cover over her.

"Just close your eyes and sleep ok." I said to her. She smiled a bit and pulled her hands to her chest closing her eyes. Mom kissed my head.

"Goodnight Billie, Go to bed. You gotta get up in the morning." We walked to my door.

"Hey mom, was she... like... um, was everything ok?" I wasn't sure what I was really asking.

"Just a few scrapes and bruises, but I cleaned her cuts and put medicine on them. Her ankle was a little swollen but not too much. I think it might just be a sprang." I nodded.

"Ok good."

"I noticed a few scars too but don't know the source." I looked to her. "Well I'm going to bed."

"Ok, good night. I love you." I hugged her.

"I love you too." She walked away and flicked the light off. I entered my room and changed before getting into bed. I kept the door open in case the girl woke up. I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke when I heard some moaning. It was coming from the living room. I sat up and wiped my eyes to look in the living room. I saw the girls hand flop around a little as she moaned. She must be having a bad dream. I got up and made my way to her. I sat in the floor next to her. "Shhh it's ok." I cooed rubbing at her head. She was a little sweaty. She gasped and finally woke breathing heavy. "It's ok, it was just a dream," I said putting my hand on her face. She grabbed at it. "I'll stay her till you go back to sleep. Just lay down, you're ok." She lowered her hand and laid back down. I moved my hand and rubbed at her arm a little and then turned and leaned my back against the couch. I scooted down a little until my head rested on the seat cushion. I felt her arm move a little just behind my head. I closed my eyes, and then a cover dropped down on my head. I pulled it off my head and to my lap. I turned around and saw her on her side facing me; her eyes were shut. She had given me one of her covers. I smiled at the sweet gesture and turned back lying against the couch. I threw the blanket out covering myself and tucked it in behind my shoulders. I started to fall asleep but felt her hand pat at the top of my head. It then moved and she patted down my shoulder. I reached my hand up and she grabbed it. She held onto my hand and her arm relaxed over my shoulder. I smiled and laid my head on her arm. She flinched a little but didn't let go of my hand. I closed my eyes.

I woke to the sun shining through the blinds straight into my eyes. I squinted and looked at the clock. It was 7:42. I looked over and saw she was still holding my hand with her right arm draped over my shoulder. I smiled and turned. She was still asleep. I slowly moved and placed her hand back on the couch releasing it. She didn't wake up and I stood and went to use the bathroom. I felt hungry so decided to fix breakfast for everyone. Eggs, bacon and toast; it was all I knew how to make. Mom woke in the middle of me cooking and came to the kitchen. "She still asleep?" I asked.

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