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I woke to metal clanging on the bars of our cell. All the girls jumped upon wakening and scurried to the corner scared. Violet pushed closer into me as I wrapped my arms around her. I looked to see a man holding a metal rod. It looked like one of the big guys that brought us in.

"Its show time! 248!" I looked around to the group of girls to see them all looking to the one that held violet so close. Her breathing heavied and she looked in fear at the man. We watched as she slowly stood and made her way to the opening door with her head down. "236, you and your boy toy is requested in Al's office." I gave a smirk and violet stood holding my hand. I stood and we walked to the door. "Come on!" he said grabbing our collars hurrying us down the hall of cells. Another man shut the cell door and caught up to us. 248 was directed down another path, giving us one last look before we were pushed into a door. It closed and we caught our balance before hearing Al's voice. Looked to see him smiling. His hands covered in big golden rings. One tooth had a gold cap on it.

"236... its so GOOD to see you." I glanced to her and all sights were on him. Her face filled with hate, anger, slight fear, and one emotion that seemed to through me off guard, hurt. One that girls give in the movies when the person they love is caught cheating or something. I saw her tearing up. Maybe I'm just reading her wrong. He stood and came around his desk to her.

"Don't touch her!" I said stepping close. I was stopped by the small pistol he pulled from his side.

"Ah uhh. Relax boy." I stopped and looked to Violet. She was like a stone. He raised the gun to her chest watching her face, then slowly up to her head. I was shaking and so scared I was about to get sick. My stomach was so knotted, yet Violet had the same look as before. He smiled then lowered his gun. "Still the tough kitten that I made of you huh?" He smirked. "I see you found a mutt as you were out." He looked to me then turned going back to his desk to pour himself some whiskey. "Ive really missed you 236. It's a shame you left."

"I had no choice." He laughed.

"What? Noooo... I see your arm is looking better. You should be out of that cast soon right?"

"I was going next week actually to get it off." He smiled.

"Well isn't that special. You were my favorite you know." She chuckled a bit and looked down. "Its true! You were my best fighter! And then... well im sure you remember." I looked to her clueless but she took in a breath looking at the ground. "Wait!?" He stepped to her. "You don't?"

"My memories a bit rusty." He laughed at her words. She looked to him.

"Oh my goodness honey. Well let me refresh your memory. YOU were the main event! My little money maker. The big guys where in from japan, im talking big money! I talked so highly of you, Placed you on a pedestal! It was you Vs. two-oh-six! Things were going good. And even amount of fights going between you both and then! YOU dear caught the upper hand. Flipping her over your shoulder, slamming her into the wall and you were down to the last knock out, but!" He stepped behind her and raised her arms moving them as if she were a puppet and he was reenacting the whole scene. "She was against the concrete wall, you were drawing back, but you stopped. You stared. And you stepped back. How the hell do I explain that!? You started to walk away but 206 gained sight and you were her target. She tackled you and you went down. HARD! You were on the defensive, DEFENSE! BLOCKING?!" He raised his hands in anger. You finally went to swing with all your might, harder than I had ever saw before," He stepped in front of her and looked her in the face. "And you missed. You hit the wall and down you fell screaming." He lifted her cast. "You shattered your wrist." He let it go flopping down by her side. "I had no choice but to call the whole thing off. 206 was stumbling around in and out of conscious and you, you were balling on the ground. Mr. Chow was not impressed. He demanded I kill you both right then and there but I told him id take care of it later."

Girl 236Where stories live. Discover now