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I waited nervously for Violet outside the school doors were car riders are dropped off. There was a slight chill in the air but it was suppose to be warmer today. Either way I wore long sleeves and my jacket just in case Violet didn't have hers. My nose began to run slightly so I kept sniffling. I finally saw Violets car and had an immediate flutter in my chest. I smiled and waved to her mom as violet got out of the car.

"Hi billie!" She waved excited to me grabbing her bag from the back seat. I smiled wider showing my teeth and waved. "Bye mom I love you." I heard her say before shutting the door and running to me. "You ready?"

"Yeah you?"

"Yeah!" She didn't seem as nervous or worried as me. "Lets make a quick stop at the drink machine. I have a feeling we're going to be doing a lot of walking. I nodded and held the door open for her. As we blinded into the crowd I started getting more nervous. We stopped by the vending machine and I leaned against it looking around as she stuck her money in. I was keeping an eye out for Randy and his goons. I saw Vicky and my heart sank. She was with the girl from the other day and they both had black eyes. I assume from yesterdays hit to the nose.

"Violet?!" I whispered in a panic. When my eyes locked with Vicky's.

"Yeah?" She didn't look from the machine. I glanced back to Vicky to see her show what looked like a flash a fear, then she rushed into her class.

"Nothing, never mind."

"Oh, grape ok with you?" I looked down to see her holding a big bottle of Gatorade. I nodded. "Ok, I got some chips and crackers too just incase." I nodded nervously as I saw the inside of her small bag. "Come on." I gulped and we blinded right back into the traffic of the students. Violet grabbed my arm pulling me close behind her and I saw Randy at the corner of the hall. He glanced at us and a shock of fear flashed through my body. I felt Violets grip tighten and then Randy did something I never would have expected him to do. He rolled his eyes and turned from me continuing his conversation. I was a bit stunned but didn't question his actions. That's all I've ever wanted him to do. We split from the crowd and headed to the back doors. "Ok we can just got this way around car riders and sneack into the woods from the ball field. I nodded and she released me as she crouched and hurried along the school walls. I did the same. Shed stop and peak around each corner. We then snuck to the fields and behind the bleachers. We snuck passed the PE students and entered from the side of the woods. We tried to stay invisible until we where in the thickness and couldn't be seen by the school. After we reached that point we slowed to a steady pace to the old factory. "Billie you ok? You've been very mute today."

"Oh, yeah sorry. I'm just nervous." I stepped by side her and walked.

"That's understandable."

"I brought a pocket knife for protection."

"Oh can I see?" I nodded and swung my bag around to my side and unzipped it. I pulled out my dads old knife and zipped my bag up returning it to my back. I handed it to her and she opened it exposing the blade.

"Nice. I didn't even think to bring anything."

"What! Where going into the woods! You always bring protection to the woods."

"Hmmm you're right.. I know!" She smiled then stopped and looked around. "That'll do!" She stepped to a small tree and broke a branch off. It was about arm length and as big around as a quarter. We started walking again and I watched her curious as she plucked the smaller limbs branching off.

"Whats a stick going to do?"

"Not a stick," She waved my knife then scraped a bit off the end of the stick. "A spear." We both chuckled and picked up our walking pace. By the time we reached the factory she had the tip carved to a sharp point.

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