Chapter: 1

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I'm Ashton but people call Me Ash , I'm 16 I just moved to Amityville, you know like the creepy movie it was based here. My Mother died when I was 13, my dad hasn't been the same since he let his slutty exuse of a girlfriend move with us. He doesn't really pay attention to me much anymore. He will beat me somtimes or swear at me and make more inscure than I already am. I have been called all the names in the book, he has gave me a black eye twice. Just recently he started putting my hands in boiling water if I mess up on making dinner for them or if I miss a spot mopping or cleaning.

I was walking into the new house my dad pulled my arm back and let his Girlfriend in first.
"Ladies first" said my dad then he walked in, and me last. There was only one bedroom wich was my dad's and his girlfriends, so I decided to sleep in the attic. It was large and the ceiling was shaped like the roof. It had a big square window seat. I decided to put my full sized metal bed frame on the other side of the room. I set up a old record player my mum gave me. I also had my cell phone my dad gave me. It was a I phone 6 the only reason he gave it to me is so if he needed to call me to ask me to do somthing for him. My Dad deals drugs for a living now it was a efficient way of getting lots of money. He mostly deals weed and Crack. I finished setting g up my room and I decided to go on a quick walk through the woods behind are house. I put on kombat boots dark blue skinny jeans and a hoodie. I also applied light makeup. I sneaked out of the house and headed down a trail. I walked on the trail for about a hour until it started getting cold and dark. I forgot the way back, I heard a large snap behind me I turned around but nothing was there I thought it was a rabbit so I tryed to find my way back I used the flashlight on my phone until it died. I heard a bother snap and someone whisper yelled " Shut up she will see us". "I'm lost in the woods with somone following me, oh great way to start off a new year just fricking great" I said aloud, I heard a few chuckles from behind a bush. I decided to bolt it I ran down the path with branches hiting me in the face. "Don't let her go" they were shouting. There were no signs of my house or the people following me so i.slowed my pace down and tryed to catch my breathe. I decided it would be a good idea to hide. I ran into a big tree with lots of branches and leaves, I thought the leaves would hide me. I heard somone shout in the distance, so I frantically started climbing the tree. My hand were burnt from the scorching water that my dad put my hands in, so the rough bark was tearing up my hands.
Once I got in a safe place I looked at my jands, they were soaked in blood. Burnt tissue tears easily. "Shit" I mumbled under my breathe.
"Did you hear that" I looked down to see a boy about my age in a white hoodie and a another with goggles.
When they were walking away and I thought I was in the clear blood from my had dripped down and landed on the boy with the white goodies shoulder.
"What the hell" the boys said. They looked up and I got a view of what they looked like.
I couldn't move I was in complete shock, one had a smile cut in to his face the other had a bloody axe sticking out of his pocket. They looked insane. Befor I knew it I felt a hot tear slide down my face . My hands were still bleeding and I was sitting up in a tree while these too boys were probably plotting on how to kill me.
"It's okay"the boy in the white said.
"I'm Jeff" he said.
"This is Toby" he said pointing to the other boy.
"What do you want" I said.
"We wanted to talk to you" Jeff said.
I stuck my bloody hands in my hoodie pocket.
"Fine, what do u want? " I asked
"You have to come down here"
"Welp, I'm not going to you said you needed to talk" I responded.
"We do but you have to come down" Jeff said.
"How do I not know you will kill me" I said.
" T-trust me if we w-wanted too you would already be d-dead" Toby said.
Stupid overcame me and I decided to trust them I took my hand out of my pockets and made my way down the tree falling down the last few feet due to my hands. I hissed in pain and shoved them back into may pockets.
" Your hurt let me see" Jeff said.
"No really I'm fine" I said.
"I said let me see your hands now" Jeff demanded.
I took my hands out of my pockets to show him he grabbed my arm to get a better look at one of my hands, suddenly I felt burning pain on my lower collar bone on the right side. My skin felt like it was on fire. Then all I saw was darkness.

Soooo I made this story a long time
ago but I didn't like it so I tried to redue it I hope it's better I will try to update as soon as possible it would be cool if you could follow and drop a vote or comment if you are interested in new chapters, thanx so much ♤♧♡

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