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"Because... he is not a good person and I don't like him, so you are not going to to hang out around him okay" Jeff continued.
"Why he is my..." you were cut off by jeff.
"Because I said so and you will listen to me" Jeff snapped.
"Fine" I mumbled.
Jeff took my arm and walked me back inside befor leaving upstairs.
I went back and sat on the couch.
"What was that about?" Asked Ben.
"I don't know, I really dont" I responded.
" What did he say?" Ben asked again.
"It's not important, I'm going for a walk befor it gets really late" I told Ben.
"Do you want me to go with you"
" It's alright Ben I'm going to go by myself " I thanked him.
Jeff walked down stairs into the kitchen I think he was talking to Slender about somthing, he looked over at me for a second then continued talking to slender.
I got up and turned around from Jeff, Ben got up and walked in front of me to give me a hug wich I gladly exepted. Little did I know Jeff was giving Ben a Cold glare while Ben was Smirking.
I let go and walked out side to forest to start my walk.

Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass:p
It was getting dark so I decided to start heading back. I saw the mansions lights in the distance. As I got near to the mansion I smelled Slenders wonderful cooking. He has alway been there to care of the other pasta's. Slender seems like a bad guy but he would do anything for the ones he cares about.
I walked into the mansion Sally was sitting on the floor with L.j playing with her dolls. Ben was well... playing video games of course and Jeff was helping Slendy cook.
He was wearing a purple apron with pink frills on the bottom. I chuckled to myself and walked into the kitchen.
"Nice apron Jeff" I teased.
He looked over obviously not noticing me befor.
"Shut up" he said laughing and lightly punching my arm.
Slender looked over at the both of us then back at Jeff.
Jeff started shaking his head slowly back and forth, as if saying no to somthing.
"Your burning the cake" Slender said.
The fire alarm went off because of all the smoke filling the kitchen.
Sprinklers in all.rhe rooms went off.
"YAYYYYY SPRINKLERSSS" Sally started screaming running around the living room as L.j was chasing after her trying to calm the young child.
" HOLY FUCK, HOLY SHIT , I'M GONNA DIE...AGAIN" screamed Ben as he grabbed the WiiU and ran out of the building.
Jeff took his apron off and ran to the basement and shut the sprinklers off.
Slender was just wondering what he was gonna feed us cause dinner was burnt.
The sprinklers shut off and Slender handed our towels so we could start drying everything off. Jeff grabbed a towel from Slender and flopped it on my head.
He chuckled then went and started mopping up the water. I went up stair to Me and Jeffs room and got some dry clothes, but I had none so I wore one of Jeffs hoodie and Jane gave me some shorts.
I slipped the hoodie over my head, then I took the wet bedding off the bed and put it in the dryer.
I walked back into the kitchen to see everything dry.
"Slender how about we have Mac and Cheese tonight?" I suggested.
" That's the best idea I have heard all night" he smiled I could tell because his facial expression tightend a bit.
"Is that hoodie yours" Slender asked.
"Uh no, it's Jeffs i had nothing dry to ware" I explained.
Slender nodded his head.
Then went back to the kitchen.
I was going to attempt to dry the couch cushions but Jeff beat me to it.
"Nice hoodie" he laughed.
" Thanks it's my favorite" I giggled.
His face turned pink for a moment then he looked away.
"There is blankets in the closet In my room you can use to go to sleep if you want" he said.
" Oh so are you gonna kill me?" I laughed.
" You know I didn't meen it that way" he got all serious.
" I know Jeff, thanks by the way your always such a good friend" I said.
" prob" he said looking down slowly going back to what he was doing.
I went up stair to Jeffs room and put new blankets on the bed. Luckily the matress was dry.
I flopped into the bed and cover myself up with the blankets.
Toby walked by the room and shut them off.
"THANKS TOBY" I yelled.
I just hear him laugh down the hall.
Slender was making Mac and Cheese that's okay I'll have some later a yawned and pushed my face far into a pillow and fell asleep.
Ohhhh Jeff got friend zoned,what will happen next time on The Next PrØxy. Thanks everyone♡♡

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