The Districts

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District: 1
In this District there is a lot of sand. Under the sand are the precious Rubies. Some of these are kept and others are sold to the capital. There there called the Ruby district.
District: 2
In this district there is a rocky terrain. There are many emerald mines all over. Most of the time they trade there Emeralds for Sapphires because they are more valuable. There called the Emerald district.
District: 3
In this district there is a nice sunny terrain, it is an island that has a lot of beach. The mineral they find is Opal. There used for neckless and furniture. There name is Opal
District: 4
This district is in the deep woods. There is a small lake were they hunt and get water. They mine for Sapphires. These are the most valuable gem that is found. There name is Sapphire.
District: 5
In this district and the final district there is a flat terrain or rolling plains. They farm many vegetables. They mine for Amber, but there main source on income is there produce. There name is Amber.

Those are the districts. I'm going to be in the Hunger Games but there will be other people in the Hunger Games as well. I'm in Sapphire. If you don't go to Greenspire then these are our pods or "classes" if you would. Well thanks for reading I hope you enjoy.

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