Chapter One

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Bright sunlight beat warm down my skin, and my eyes opened to embrace the morning with a soft sigh. My lavender comforter suddenly felt like heaven against my stomach, unlike last night, whereas it had felt like a brick of iron. I stretched my muscles, feeling the happiness at being finally stretched out that they nearly screamed.

My phone buzzed on the hard wood side table, vibrating the whole surface like crazy and I exhaled my deep breath, sitting up. My bed was a mess of sheets, my hair in a tangled ponytail that desperately needed taken care of. My eyes shifted from my messy figure to my phone. Kaitlyn.

"Hey, Kait." I said as I picked up, bracing myself.

"What happened to you? Are you crazy? You totally bailed on me, on a Friday night! I could've gotten raped, Eryn! Raped!"

"Ok, you were at the movies. I think you're okay. But I fell asleep.. Didn't Amber show?" I asked impatiently as I stood, taking off my glasses and popping in my contacts, flinching as one went in wrong.

"Nope. She had to be with her boyfriend." I could hear the scowl in her voice. "She's obsessed."

"At least she has a boyfriend." I pointed out.

"Well... Whatever. I'll see you Monday, okay?"

"Kay, talk to you later." I hung up before she did, swearing I'd block her number next time she got frustrated. I looked at my appearance in the mirror. I had to admit, I had a perfect complexion. My eyes were ocean blue, and my hair fell down in long waves to about my waist. I wore a black tank top, and sort of skimpy shorts that I usually slept in. I brushed my hand back to let loose my ponytail, my brown hair falling down like crazy and I began to tame it.

Being nineteen, I didn't have school any longer, but I still felt like a teen. A teen without a job, too, as lame as that sounds. Mother insisted I didn't have too- why, when you had a rich family? I felt kind of like a snob. Plus, I was an American snob. I'd moved here only a couple months back. Kaitlyn and Amber were my friends, and we had met through volunteer work. London was different from America, surely. Plus, I didn't think I'd ever snag on their accent. I still sounded American. A bit of a disappointment.

I brushed my teeth and then worked on my make up, and then took time to curl my hair into ringlets with a wand. Afterwards I slipped into a dark grey sweater with jeans and boots- England weather- and a red scarf to add color.

Mom had already made breakfast. I know it might seem silly for me to still live here, but Mom was trying to find me a home. For now, this was it.

"Found it." She said as I sat down, taking a bite of bacon.

"Found what?" I asked.

"You're new home." She showed me her laptop, and I couldn't help but smile at the artist design of the home. It wasn't too big and rich, either.

"Aw.. Thanks, Mom. It's fantastic. When do I get to move in?" I asked eagerly.

She frowned and turned her laptop back around, brushing back her brown hair. She had such a gentle face, and the sudden sadness couldn't hide. "Aw, Mom, what is it?"

"My baby is finally growing up. You could've stay in America, but you came with us.."

"Aw. I love you too, Mom." I leaned over to hug her, and she sniffles before smiling.

"One week and you can move in."

"That's awesome!" I told her, smiling broadly. I felt glad that I was finally going to be independent, besides the fact I would get allowance from my parents in large numbers. "I've gotta go. Thanks for breakfast." I kissed her on the cheek and hurried to grab my over the shoulder coach and keys, outside to my new Jaguar that shimmered red. I loved it. It was the only thing I ever really asked of my parents. I hated to feel spoiled, but I loved this car, with it's tinted windows and cherry red color and smooth drive.

I drove to the volunteer center, where I pulled off the sweater so I was only wearing my lime green volunteer shirt, reading my last name and the number ten on the back like a jersey.

When I walked in, a bunch of the girls were crowding around something. They cleared when Mrs. Lindale, the organizer of the group, made them leave. The guys all wore our t-shirts, but they were new. I recognized them.

Oh. They were One Direction.


Harry's POV


I saw her and in a moment she struck me as not my type. But she was undoubtedly beautiful. Her hair flowing in dark brown, naturally wavy. She stared at me and burst out laughing, and everyone looked at her but she shrugged it off and went back to packing resources.

"Who're you looking at?" Zayn asked.

"Her." I gestured, then hurried over just as Zayn rolled his eyes. "Hey. Need a hand?"

"No." She clearly did.

"Oh, c'mon. I'm not that repulsive." I said as I bent to help her, grabbing a bunch of wager bottles and stacking them in the other box neatly.

"You have big hands."

"I get that a lot, but it doesn't sound like a compliment." I laughed. She rolled her eyes. "Hey, why don't you like me?"

"Um, because you're part of a teenage boy band."

"Oh. So you actually do know who I am, then?"

"I know." She stopped and looked at me, tucking a piece of long hair behind her ear. "I just thought you guys were like that Nick band, like.. Big Time Rush. Or maybe you were on Disney."

"Ouch." I said, before chuckling. "Believe it or not, we're actually not Nick kind of people."

"Is that so?" She sounded bored, but I could tell she was wondering why I was talking to her. Either irritated or curious, I couldn't tell.

"What can I do to get a date with you?" I asked.

She looked at me, her blue eyes very pretty as she stared at me. She puckered her lips. "I haven't.. I don't real,y date."

I honestly didn't believe this. "Really? I'm sure."

She frowned at me, and instantly I felt like a jerk. "No, no, I'm sorry.. You just.. You're beautiful." I admitted.

"Oh, well, thanks, bud." She said sarcastically. "Got a pen?"

I looked around, and noticed the table with forms. I grabbed a corner of the paper, tearing it, and then snagging the pen and offering her a cheeky grin. She wrote her number, and finally offered a soft smile. "Okay. Now you can help me."



I know I have a lot of fanfics going but this one comes first so read this one first it's the most important okay ily all bye

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