Part 4: Ē Zōḗ Eínai Mia Prosōrinḗ Katástasē "Life Is A Temporary State"

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A/N: Angelo meets the man who will change his life... by ending it. JellyfishSong and kittyvamp18, I hope you're enjoying it. Kittyvamp18, you've read it but as you see, I am changing parts and editing. JellyfishSong, if you can, please let me know what you think.

The next night, Angelo woke up and found himself stuffed in a garbage can, apparently left for dead. He had no idea how he ended up there. It was as if someone had taken a knife and cut a huge hole out of his memory. The last thing Angelo could remember was the pretty little sexpot. The tantalizing image flickered in and out of his brain, and when he did try to push his memory past that point, he slammed into a brick wall.

Angelo did know he felt real sick. His head weighed a zillion pounds and he was as weak as a baby. That could only mean one thing. He didn't jump anyone last night.


He'd already tried several times to brush against someone, then astrally jump them, but with no luck. There would have to be sexual contact tonight, but how the hell was he gonna seduce anyone? He was filthy and he stank of garbage, and even if some desperate fucker wanted a blow job, Angelo had just enough power to jump them. Nothing else. Instead of the high octane he could usually induce, he'd be lucky if he could get low grade.

What the fuck happened last night?

If he didn't know better, Angelo could have sworn that he'd been drained of all his energy. He could barely walk let alone make it to the docks.

Fuck it, he was tired. Angelo slumped to the ground. He was ravenous but too exhausted to care. All he wanted to do was sleep. He shut his eyes and curled up as comfortably as he could. Angelo probably wouldn't wake up but he supposed there was some justice in that.

Just as slumber was about to overtake him, he heard a voice on the edge of his consciousness.

"Hey dere."

Even in this run-down state, Angelo's senses were quite acute. In fact, he was hyperaware, and he couldn't sense a soul within at least a quarter of a mile. He had to be hearing things.

"You okay?"

Angelo felt a foot nudge him gently and his lips curled into an evil smile. Either he was dreaming or he'd just been handed an opportunity. He opened his eyes.

If it was a dream, he liked what he was dreaming about. A young man with wavy black hair, eyes that were grey and clear, almost crystalline, and a nice, sensual mouth.

He flashed Angelo a crooked grin. "You wan' some help?" He held out his hand and Angelo grabbed it, letting the stranger pull him to his feet. The guy couldn't have been more than twenty or so and his words were a lazy, Southern drawl. "What de hell happen' to you, cher?"

Angelo thought for a moment, trying to come up with a believable story. "Ran away and got beaten up," he finally said. He sure felt like he got beaten up.

Grey eyes appraised Angelo. "Even underneath all that grime, I can see your beauty," he whispered, stroking Angelo's cheek.

Tendrils of his new friend's lust tickled Angelo, teasing him. Torturing him because it was there, waiting for him. So potent and he couldn't even get to it. And it would be easy,Angelo wouldn't have to do a thing but go down on him, then take it.

But not here. Angelo may have picked up his "dates" on the docks but the sex was always somewhere else. A car.A motel room. Even under the pier. Angelo didn't give a fuck where, as long as it was private.

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