Part 5: Spasme'nes Eposxe'sis kai Ekthe'kisis "Broken Promises and Vengeance"

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A/N: I've decided to republish this story here. Thank you for reading JellyfishSong, hope you enjoy it.

In this chapter, Angelo begins his unlife and has instant buyers remorse as Ardoin's intentions and motives become less clear.

(I want to do it. Let me do it Ardoin,) Sylvie quietly demanded.

Angelique cut her eyes at the petite blonde. (What do you think you are, a Broodmaster?)

Sylvie refused to back down. Angelo liked that. (Ardoin said that anyone can do it.) Hands on hips, she tossed her hair. (Not just Broodmasters.)

(Merde, Ardoin, why did you have to tell her that?)

Ardoin dismissed her concerns and without warning, was next to Angelo, mussing his curls affectionately. (Butt out, sister. Let our Sylvie Sire the boy.) His fingers lazily trailed down Angelo's cheek, and touched his lips. (I'll still get what's mine.) He whispered in Angelo's ear, "Isn't that right, cheri?"

Angelo shivered with delight at the feel of lips and the slight hint of tongue teasing his throat. Did Ardoin want him after all? It sure felt like it. Ardoin's hands were caressing Angelo's chest and playing with his stiffening nipples. The intense desire Ardoin radiated washed deliciously over Angelo, removing any doubts he had about whether or not Ardoin liked boys in his bed.

If this was a preview, then hell yes, Ardoin could take what was his!

As if on cue, Ardoin abruptly stopped and moved away.

Angelo felt angry, rejected, and most of all, cheated. Ardoin was nothing but a fucking cocktease, and Angelo wanted to smack that mocking smile off his face, but he was just too tired.

Angelique glanced at him for a moment, before turning to Ardoin. (He's getting weaker. We need to feed him first, or he won't make it.)

At first Angelo thought she meant regular food and he was about to tell her not to bother. Then he heard the two of them scheming to drag in a chambermaid they could sense down the hall and despite his extreme hunger, Angelo wasn't having any of it.

"Thanks, but no thanks."

Ardoin raised an eyebrow. (Something wrong?)

"Damned right there's 'something wrong.' I'm not about to put on a show for you."

Ardoin laughed. (Don't tell me the slut has suddenly discovered modesty!) He was beside the bed again. (Look,) he said in that quietly authoritative voice that Angelo was already beginning to hate. (At this moment, you're so fragile that the only thing keeping you alive is your stubborn will. You'll need more than that to survive the process.)

"Yeah?" Angelo angrily shoved away the sudden apprehension prickling inside him. "Ask me if I care."

(Oh I know you don't, but I do. I went through all the trouble of finding you as soon as Sylvie came running to me about a boy with the Devil inside him. I've made too much of an investment in you, boy, so don't even start thinking that you have any choice in this because you don't.) He smiled thinly. (Now, you're going to cooperate or I'll pull your intestines up through your navel.) Ardoin rubbed his stomach and underscored the threat by slicing his nail across Angelo's bellybutton.

Angelo didn't even have to look to see that he was bleeding. He could feel the warm wetness and ignored it. "Do whatever the fuck you want."

Ardoin dipped his finger into the pooling blood and licked it. (Trust me, once Angelique brings in the wench, all of your hesitance will fly out that window. I give it two seconds before you're all over her.)

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