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Sorry for the somewhat short chapter and the late update.. :( it's so hard because I had to go to a funeral and have been extremely busy. Ill try my best to update faster. But I have to stay postive because I almost have 200 views. :)

Narrator POV:

Maka and Kid both returned to the DWMA in silence. They left without saying a word to each other. Classes went by very quickly and the school day ended. Everyone was exiting DWMA and having plans for their evening. Maka was walking to the Death Mall to prepare herself for the upcoming three month trip. She walks in through the spiral doors and sees...

Maka POV:

I just saw Soul sitting by himself at the huge water fountain, throwing coins into the water. Slowly, I approached Soul, "Where have you been and why did you skip the rest of the school day?" I asked. "Why does it matter to you? Shouldn't you be spending your time with.......You know what just forget it" Soul responded and started to walk away. I ran and grabbed Soul, "Please Soul, I am worried about you because you're my friend" I said. Soul pushed my hand to the side "And that's all I'll ever be in your eyes, just a damn friend! I risk my life always try my best to protect you and try to make you happy but you're too selfish to realize that because all you do is care about Kid. Maka, just go on your trip and when you come back find a different weapon..." Soul spat and clenched his fist. His red orbs were burning my soul as if I was on fire. My whole inner being was sadden by the fact Soul has been feeling this way all along. "I'm sorry Soul for not realizing but----"I said but tears were threatening to fall out. "How could you say I only care about Kid when I...."

Kid POV:

"What a day" I thought and sighed while walking through the city. Maybe I should go to the Death Mall to get some clothes for the trip since it's hot in Brazil. I walked in and purchased a roasted french vanilla cappuccino. I see Patty and Liz in the cafe drinking coffee, "Hey guy's, what are you two up to?" I asked. "Well, I came here to get a manicure because my nail chipped" Liz said. "I came here to by LUCKY LUCY a friend~~~~~" Patty said smoldering and devouring a chocolate cake down her throat. "Well I came here to buy things for the trip" I said. "Oi Kiddo~~You seem a bit sad like a cute little baby with no toy" Patty said. "I'm ok, Patty" I said with a normal tone as I could be. Liz indicated a slight hesitation from me. "Come on, let's walked around the mall and oh yeah Patty you think you can get me some candy at the store?" Liz said. "Yes! Lizzy" Patty saluted. Patty was running down the mall crashing into a mall cop scooter. I could hear her laughing fanatically all the way until she got to the candy store. "What's really up Kid?" Liz said in a serious tone. Liz was always there for me when it came to my feelings. "I kissed Maka" I said bluntly with a monotone expression. "OMG Congrats!!! And why are you not excited?" Liz asked. "Because I am not trying to let my feelings get in the way of our mission and my feelings can wait" I responded. "But what about Maka's feelings you idiot?! It's obvious you two have feelings for each other but you are just gonna reject a once in a lifetime chance over a mission that you don't know whether or not you're gonna live or die" Liz yelled. Liz did have a point, I should tell Maka that saying I love her was not a mistake. Liz and I kept walking, talking, and shopping. I brought Maka a necklace and hoping I can give it to her tomorrow, once I tamper with it using some unique magic. "Hey Liz, isn't the nail salon this way?" I asked pointing to the left direction. "Yes" she responded. We kept walking and I heard a familiar voice. "Maka?" I thought, I ran into that direction. "How could you say I only care about Kid when I kissed you and you rejected me?!" Maka said. My whole world broke down as I saw Soul smirked, grabbing onto Maka's wrist and kissed her......


"What the hell did I just see?!" I thought. How could Maka do this to Kid? She kissed Soul but since he didn't want her she comes after Kid? What the fuck is going on here? I turned my head to the side and see Kid emanating a black death aura around him. I need to step in and stop this madness. Then I see Maka turn her head and see Kid with anger oozing out of him. His soul is more bigger than when we resonate. "Kid, calm down" I said worriedly. "Liz turn into a gun now" he said dangerously. "BUT BUT KID DON'T YOU UHHH THINK THAT WILL BE ASYMMETRICAL!!" I screamed shocked that Kid is not killing himself over symmetry and also trying to prevent a fight. It's like he is changing into a whole different type of person. "TURN INTO A DAMN GUN NOW" he roared.

Soul POV

I sweetly kissed Maka lips by surprise and even scored another point by doing it infront of lover boy. Maka struggled and stopped the kiss by turning her head. "I see something interesting, Kid is getting so angry over something that's not symmetry ha" I laughed. I walked up to Kid then BANG.

omg another cliffhanger was soul shot or even killed, how will kid cope with his symmetry, what will happen to kid and maka feelings for each other . Please stay tuned :) Also a shoutout to a fantastic person @isabellacow for encouraging me.

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