Dreams Do Come True- Frerard

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"See you after class, Gee!" Frank yelled, waving his hand that wasn't carrying his maths textbook and walked down the crowded high school hall.

"Bye, Frankie," I smiled back at him and just stood there.

I thought I would've gotten over him over summer. I thought I wouldn't have the same butterfly feeling I always had when I looked at him. He's my best friend and I can't have feelings over him. Anyways, I'm supposed to be heterosexual. Why is he bending that?

I tried to stray these thoughts from my mind as I walked to English, feeling my heart sinking faster and faster as I fell back into the same place as I was before summer started, in heart break. I knew he would never want me. He would never ever like me the same way I like him. He would never reciprocate the same feelings that I have towards him. It was probably best that way.

As I walked into English, I sat down in the chair at the very back, not caring about the "welcome back" lecture that every teacher gives every class. It's boring as fuck. Anyways, I have better things to do.

I pull out a piece of paper from my binder and I get a Ticonderoga pencil that's already sharpened. I decide to write something. I decide to write a piece of a song that I had been working on since last year, when I first realized that I had massive feelings for Frank. So far, I have about two or three lines down because I'm always too busy with my art. I favor my art so art definitely comes before song writing in priorities.

As I sit there absentmindedly, unable to think of anything that would be good enough to be written about Frank, the teacher walks into the class and I notice that the English teacher is a different one from last year. She looks young, about twenty four, maybe. She had bleach blonde hair and wore a tight black miniskirt while her top half was clad in a red blazer.

"Hello, students," the teacher said when she first got to the front of the class. "My name is Miss. Jackson and I am your English teacher."

"Hello, Miss. Jackson," all of the students, but me, said in unison and I just let out a grunt. I didn't want a new teacher. I loved Miss. Ballato from last year. She would always talk to me and give me advice. She would also help me with my art. She was by far my favorite teacher ever.

I kind of just blanked out for the rest of the period, thinking about Frank.

He stole my heart. He doesn't realize that he stole my heart right out from my chest since last year and it hurts that he doesn't know but I don't have the guts to tell him. What if he won't be my friend? What if he won't ever talk to me ever again?

I didn't see him over the summer because of two reasons. First of all, he was in Italy visiting his grandparents the whole summer and two, even if he was here in Belleville for the summer, I wouldn't have had the guts to hang out with him.

Isn't that sad?

Isn't that sad that I'm kind of afraid to hang out with my best friend?

We did exchange texts, however. He told me that he met this girl (I was a little jealous, I won't lie) named Jamia. They kind of had a summer romance thing.. Well, that's what I'm assuming. All he told me about their relationship was that they hung out quite a bit and he was telling me how she was so pretty and how much I would like her.

Before I could think of anything else, the bell rang and I got up and ran out of the classroom. I guess it was a force of habit from last year but I also wanted to see Frank.

I rushed to see Frank already at this locker and he smirked.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I smiled.

"You look very good today, by the way," Frank added, making me blush alittle.

"I always look like this, though," I somewhat asked.

"And you look good everyday," Frank said, making my hide my face in my hair and I muttered a 'thank you'. "Hey, don't be so shy. What ever happened to Gerard, my hyperactive best friend?"

"Well, someone happened," I shrug and I see his face tighten up in anger from behind my hair.

"Who the hell is it?" Frank asked angrily and people started to look at us.

"I-it's nobody," I stutter, not needing him to know that I have a huge crush on him. It would change everything and not for the better.

"Tell me right fucking now, Gerard," Frank demanded, growling.

"I-it doesn't matter, Frank," I whispered, well knowing that my feelings didn't matter.

"It does to me," Frank whispered back.

"Fine," I sighed, tightly shutting his eyes, unbelieving that I was about to tell Frank how I had felt.

"Well, f-for a while, I-I've had some f-f-feelings for y-you," I said the last bit to where he couldn't hear me and he looked a little confused.

"Feelings for who?" Frank asked me with a confused look on his face and I ducked my head down, unwanting of him to see me blushing.

"Y-you," I said louder, making him grow silent.

I didn't have the guts to look up. I knew he was angry. I knew he would never want to talk to me again and I had ruined that. I ruined that like I ruin everything and that makes me feel guilty of everything I've done in the past seventeen years that I have lived. I knew that I hadn't deserved to live. I have no clue as to why I tried to "stay strong" for the past while. I knew I was a disgrace and I knew that the world was better off without me. Why was I even born?

I mean, I've been thinking this for the past while so it's not like it's a new feeling.

And then Frank did something of the unspeakable.

"Gerard?" He asked, causing me to look up.

And then he kissed me perfectly on the lips.

"Trust me, I've been waiting a while to do that. I reciprocate the feelings and, if you don't mind, I would like to take you out Thursday night," Frank had told me and my eyes went wide.

"I would love to," I whispered.

And right then and there, I figured out that maybe dreams do come true.

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