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'Oh, waves! Why do you meet the shore if you have to leave her the next moment and return to the place where you belong? Don't you know that the shore falls in love with you each time you caress it lovingly with your gentle touch?' Such romantic were the thoughts of Aishwarya, as she stood watching the tiny waves that politely hit her feet. Legs buried deep inside the sand, sandals strewn away and a handbag on her shoulder, she was immersed in her own imaginary world. A shiny fuchsia salwar-kameez with a puffed sleeve and a dupatta finely pinned to both sides adorned her. She had a porcelain skin tone coupled with almond shaped bespectacled eyes that contained honey brown eyeballs. Her pink lips were full and pouted. She tucked a tendril of hair behind her right ear as the sea breeze blew wildly. Well polished nails crowned the tips of her fingers and a large circle shaped maroon bindi designed the space between her crescent eyebrows. She had tied her pitch black hair into a single plait.

Watching the beauty of the morning sun, she silently plopped down on the sand. From a nearby tea shop, she could listen to Ilaya Nila, an Ilaiyaraaja's classic which was released a year ago. At that very moment, she realized that time had flew rather speedily. She couldn't believe that it was 1983 and she was 21 years old. Girls of her age were being married off and yet she was in the last of the league. Though she was in love with her 26 year old cousin Manohar, her parents hadn't begun talks about her marriage. Neither did his parents. Her life was rather moving in a snail pace. As she was thinking about all those, she was approached by a young boy, who was a sundal (boiled chickpeas) seller in the beach.

"Akka, do you need some sundal?" he asked in his childish voice.

"Hey, have you started to sell sundal in the mornings too? Where are your parents?" she asked him back in a gentle tone.

"That tea shop is my parents'. My mom has been noticing you for the past three days. You have been visiting this beach before going to work. So she made some fresh sundal for you." Saying so, he stretched out a small lunch box at her.

"Thank you so much. I would like to meet your mom in the evening. Here take this!" She smiled at him and held out a ten rupee note.

"Aiyo akka, I don't want. Amma will shout."

"Don't you want to go to school, study well, and earn for your parents?"

"Yes, I would love to."

"Then, don't decline this. Save it for your education."

The boy gleamed at her and received the note with immense happiness. He then skipped his way back to the tea stall, produced the note to his mom, and started to get ready to school. Aishwarya too felt happy that her simple gesture had made a boy's day. Picking up her sandals and handbag, she began walking towards the main road. It was her daily routine to visit the Besant Nagar beach in the mornings and evenings. Looking at the sea calmed her senses and whisked her away from the myriad of stressful thoughts that passed through her complicated mind. Within a few minutes, she reached the bus stand and hailed a Pallavan Transport Corporation bus to her office in Velachery. She was interning in Unity Insurance Company Ltd on her father's recommendation. It has been three days since she had joined and she was already beginning to love her job.

Once she reached the office, she was warmly received by her trainer.

"Good morning, Aishwarya." He flashed a pearly smile at her.

"Good morning, Rajesh sir," she replied in a jocular manner.

"Had your breakfast?" He asked, while pulling out a chair to sit beside her.

"Yes, sir, Amma prepared a sumptuous breakfast of idli and sambar. What about you?"

"I had dosa with coconut chutney. Of course, prepared by my loving wife." He chuckled to himself. "Well, we will begin our training session today at 10.30 AM. We have yet another new trainee. He will be joining you in another ten minutes," he continued.

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