Asking you to be his girlfriend

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A week later after the concert and how lucky you were Seungri called

You: hey!

Seungri: oh hey (y/n)!

You: so why did you call me?

Seungri: umm I uuhh....... Do you wanna go out?

You: sure, but wouldn't be weird or you know cuz ur an idol...

Seungri: don't worry I'll wear disguises, well I'll pick you up at 3?

You: ye sure!

Seungri: OK bye :D

You: bye :)

Hours later you get ready and wait for him until he arrived then you went inside his car and drove to the mall then shop while you stopped to a jewelry shop because you found a pretty necklace it was a small heart golden necklace but you just look at it because it was super expensive.

Seungri's P.O.V

When (y/n) suddenly stopped by a jewelry shop I noticed her looking at the necklace in awe but she just ignored it and went away, then I let her go ahead and I went in the jewerly shop where she stopped by.

Seungri: excuse me how much is this?

Sales lady: oh it's 350 (idk what's the money there at Korea so let's just say at Philippines its like 5785 Pesos and for $ its like $265 :3)

Seungri: I'd like to buy it

Sales Lady: is this for your girlfriend earlier?

Seungri: well she's going to be Later

Sales lady: since that I'll give you a discount Sir. Seunghyun

Seungri: oh hehehe don't tell

Sales lady: yes sir

No ones POV

So Seungru bought the necklace then he followed you by then he told you that both of you are going to the park so you gladly agreed. Minutes later both of you arrived at the park then both of you went to the swing so both of you sat down and talked until Seungri said something

Seungri: (y/n) there's something I want to tell you

You: sure what is it?

Seungri: I know it's just been a week.... But u have this feelings for you I can't stop thinking of you every night, when I wake up early in the morning I remember you every time if I talk to girls I remember you, everything you. So (y/n) will you be my jagiya?


Then you hugged Seungri then he hugged you back until he lifted your chin for a kiss then you guys kissed it was short but passionate then Seungri took the necklace that he bought for you earlier

You: O.O you know you don't have to buy it right??

Seungri: but this is for my beautiful jagiya

You: *giggled*

Then Seungri placed the necklace to you then you both of you went to the dorm of the big bang.

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