Finally Married

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A/n: hey guys!!!! I'm sorry for the long update well we were on a booorrriiinnnnggg road trip it was really boring all I did was just listen to music BECAUSETHERES NO INTERNET PLUS ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS WOOOOOO!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY OKMOK CONTINUE READING!!


You were on your gown it was (f/c), including your shoes it was also (f/c), you don't know why Seungri let you wear this clothes but somewhat you also think that his going to show you something very special. After hours of waiting Taeyang knocked at your door.

Taeyang: (y/n) are you ready?

You: yah, I am

Taeyang: you look beautiful (y/n)

You: thank you Tae-oppa!

Taeyang: haha your welcome, now let's go!

Then both of you went to his car then he opened the door for you then he started the engine then drove while you guys were in the car Taeyang was giving you clues why you were wearing like that and going somewhere well you were very curios where you guys are going so you just waited.

-18 minutes later-

Taeyang: WE'RE HERE!!

you: O.O what the......

Taeyang: Seungri knows how much you love this restaurant but you never went in there yet so Seungri let your dreams came true.

You: wow.... Thanks for bringing me here Tae, and tell the others hi!

Taeyang: haha I will! Bye (y/n)!!!

You: bye!

After that you went in the restaurant but when you got in only Seungri and the waiters and the chefs were inside

Seungri: (y/n)...... Your so.... Beautiful...... I can't even tell how beautiful you are

You: *giggles* thank you, and you look as stunning as the stars

Seungri: thank you to (y/n), mind if you sit down

Then after that you sat at the chair then he also sat at the opposite of you then after that the food was served then you guys talked until Seungri gave you the hand to dance with him then you agreed then you guys danced then the music stopped.

Seungri: I know that we've been together for so long now and I can't wait to tell you this for a long time, I love you (y/n), *kneels down* *open small red velvet box*will you marry me?

You: ......,... A BILLION YESES!!!!!!

Then you started to cry then hugged Seungri then he also hugged you back then he slipped the ring at your finger

Seungri: I love you (y/n)

You: I love you too

Then months later you guys got married and lived happily with your family :D


And that's it guys this is my last update I'm sorry if it sucks so much its because I'm making a Gdragon Scenarios Book 2 well since some requested for a book 2 Scenarios of GD, well anyways HOPE YOU LIKE MY LAST UPDATE SE YA'LL GUYS SOON!!!

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