You guys broke up

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Its been a week since the last time you saw Seungri he would end up going home at 3am with the smell of alchohol and he even forgot that the 2 of you will have a date its been 3 dates he forgot about it and you were already upset about it so you went to the shared apartment that you guys shared then you packed all of your things except for the stuff that he gave you then after you packed your stuff you wrote a letter

To my beloved Seungri

I'm sorry but I'm leaving because its like you don't care for me anymore you don't go home right on time you always go home 3am with the smell of the alchohol and for how many times I've told you to stop drinking alchohol, you even forgot our date its been 3 dates that you forgot and you even promised me that we will go to the beach yesterday but you broke your promise anyway I waited for you but you didn't come back...... I'm sorry Seungri I will always remember you. Goodbye....

Sincerely yours,

(Y/n) (l/n)

After you wrote the letter you placed it on the kitchen table since every time he goes home he always go to the kitchen and drink water or something then you took your bags then you look around the place for the last time then you left

3 hours later

Seungri got home sober this time but he went home 12 am then he started calling your name but there was no answer he look around the apartment then finally to the kitchen then there he saw the letter then he read it then tear streams from his eyes he then started to cry even harder then he took his phone he called you but you didnt answer he still kept on calling you but you still did not answer then he kept on texting you but you didn't reply back he cried again then he threw the glass to the wall

Seungri: WHY (Y/N) WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! WHY!?!?!?

Then suddenly his big bang members came for a visit even though its like 1 am then they heard yelling and stuff then there they saw Seungri crying

GD: OK maknae why are you crying???

Seungri: (y-y-/n) left m-me...

GD: what!?

Other big bang memebers were shock besides it was there fault that they wanted to club every night and then

Taeyang: I'm sorry seungri.... We will find her

Seungri: but its to late.......

Taeyang: we will find her

Then Seungri stopped crying then his members helped him cheer up then they started their mission to look for you.



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