Back Together Again

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Its been 3 years since the last time you saw Seungri and today your very popular because your a super model at America you were a super model from Korea ever since you moved from Korea to America you signed up to be a. Model and you have one 32 times miss world universe but then of course all people from Korea heard about it especially Seungri. Seungri was still living at the apartment that you guys shared he won't leave the place because that's the place where you guys had beautiful memories until he ruined it then everyday Seungri look at your pictures of being model sometimes he would cry because he missed you very much well you ofcourse you also missed him very much you really want to visit him but you were still busy for 3 months because you have a contest to enter then after 3 months you will surprise him at his birthday (:3 I know its like December 14 today but let's just say belated :3) and ask him to be back together again but you were afraid that he will have no feelings for,you anymore because of what you have done 3 years ago.

3 months later

You were done finally done then you paced your things then you took all your disguises and everything then wore them then went to the airport to ride the plain

8 hours later

You have finally arrived to your hometown again well......... You took off ur glasses then you forgot u were verrrrryyyyy poooooppppuullllaaarrr at Korea then a lot of people went near to you or gathered to you then the guards helped you through the car so you won't get hurt until the news was spread that your here back to Korea

*at big bang studio*

Seungri was there still sad then Taeyang turned on the TV then went to the news until they heard your name then all big bang members gathered to watch TV the they all have wide eyes because you were here at Korea

Seungri: (Y/N)!!!!

GD: OK calm down maknae listen

Then they kept on watching the news until gd's phone rang then he looked at the call ID it was unknown but he still answer it so he excused his members the wet outside

GD: Yeobseyo(isuck at Korean okay)

You: hi Jiyong its me (y/n)

GD: OMO!!!

You: shhshhshshshhsh!!! This is a surprise for Seungri

GD: OMG do you know how depressed he was when you left, he stopped drinking alchohol and to depressed to do some of our MV's and almost everyday he breaks a glass becaue he missed you so much.....

You: -sigh- I know its depressing for him he needs to Lear his lesson, so back the stuff so I was saying at his birthday I will surprise him


So you and GD talked about the surprise for his birthday in 2 days.

2 days later

You were praoring the stuff atnthe aprtment where you guys suppost to share when you got in there after a longtime you see Brocken glasses on the floor then you cried because you thought that u hurt him but today it will change so you cleaned up the place then arranged for his birthday surprise

Hours later the members except for Seungri came in to the apartment that u and Seungri shared then the other !embers hugged you because they really missed you also then ToP got a call from Seungri that his going home already then all of you went to ur places then turned off the lights then 3,,..2....1.... Seungri opened the door then turned on the lights then all of you shouted Happy birthday to him well Seungri was shocked because he saw the one that he always loved he finally saw her and that was YOU then Seungri ran to you and hugged you tightly

Seungri: please d-dont l-l-leave me again *sobbing"

You: I won't

Seungri: give me a second chance?

You: yes I will

Then Seungri kissed you to a passionate kiss that the other members cheered and then after a minute or so you guys parted ways from the kiss then you guys celebrated his birthday and he was still having a bright smile on his face because your finally back and you guys are finally together again. :)



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