Chapter 44

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A/N: Last chapter! Though I still have an epilogue on the way, so I will thank everyone there! :) Enjoy!

Chapter 44

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As we make our way home in the car, Molly's phone buzzes for a message. She peers at the screen then turns to me. I was the one to send her a message. I had written, I will tell you everything when we're on our own, you'll wait your turn.

So when we arrive at home, I politely ask dad if I could tell him all about it later tonight. He nods and Molly and I make our way to the front door, with dad taking my suitcase for me. Michelle flips the key and the familiar sounds begin to come back to me. She swings the door open and I step inside. That smell. My home. It had been too long and now I was finally able to have everything back. It felt strange to be in a house again. I was so used to only having a cabin to sleep in being outside most of the time. I'd get to eat at the dining table again.

"Just leave my suitcase there!" I call out to dad as Molly and I run up the staircase.

He laughs and nods and he disappears from sight as I make my way to the top.

"I'm so excited for my own bed," I say.

I swing the door open, seeing my lovely looking bed, waiting there for me. I flop down on it, the cold dooner gripping my skin. I let out a sound of relaxation. Molly joins me by my side.

"Now, will you please explain why this camp wasn't as bad as it sounds?"

I sit up, fixing my hair that I just messed up. I nod.

"It's going to be a long story though."

And so I tell her everything, from when Josh first pushed me out of the canoe, to liking Jack, to liking Josh, to Jack dying to Morgan, to Matha, to Addie, to everything we did. It was crazy and I'm actually relieved I remembered everything. My heart was beating faster by the time I had finished.

"You took care of him! And he gave you those special dinners! Aw Scarr, I'm so jealous!"

I think back to when I did take care of Josh. When I went and saw him in the hospital. He's poor jaw, it made me feel sick to think about that day when everyone thought he was dead. Molly went wide eyed when I told her about Jack dying, and Josh's father coming back.

I sigh. "I know it sounds fake but so much went on there," I say, pulling my knees close to my chest, resting my chin on the top.

"I believe you Scarlett, why wouldn't I?"

I smile. I loved Molly so much.

"How the hell is dad gonna react? And Michelle! They won't let me see him again."

Molly pauses before responding. "You're dad isn't that harsh, maybe Michelle but they'll have to understand he wasn't that bad? He had family problems."

I nod, sighing. "Anyway, enough about me, how are you? Anything new in the past six weeks I've missed out on life down here?"

Molly begins a conversation about what's been happening with her and I was glad to hear something that's about my best friend and hometown.

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We had been talking for hours, Molly pretty much stayed the whole day but we're forced to quit our laughing when dad calls us down for afternoon tea. I check the time. Four. Then I suddenly remember. Josh's number!

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