Chapter 23

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 Author's Note: Sorry for not updating and I sort of have no idea what shall happen next. Anyway. . . 

Dedicated to: Kendalhutcherson :) 

Story Quote: "The look on Josh's face scared me to death. I never want to see that again."

Chapter 23

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I wake up. For a moment, I tell myself I have to get up to help Josh but then I relax back into the matress when I realise there is no more of that. He doesn't need my help anymore. 

It's time I got up anyway, so I slide out, being careful not to wake Addie. A shower. . .that's what I need. A nice warm shower to wash all my worries away. I pull the band from my hair and let it loosen up. So that's what had caused my headache. It was time to wash my hair anyway. So I twist the taps and step in, sliding down to the floor, letting the warm water soak my hair. I lathered and messaged cream's into my scalp, which helped to relieve the headache. I was almost asleep when I leaned back on the wall and let the rain prick my skin ever so gently. Well, it felt like rain but really it was just the ordinary shower of my cabin. 

I'm dozing off, letting the water run across me but I jolt up when there's a knock on the door. I hear Addie's voice on the other side. 


I'm actually glad she knocked on the door because I would have probably drowned if I'd fallen asleep completely. 

"A-Addie, sorry," I reply, standing up and twisting the taps off. "I almost fell asleep!"

I grab the towel and quickly rap it around my body. I grab another and put my hair up in it. 

"That's alright,' she calls, 'I was just wondering if you were okay."

I grab my clothes and open the door. 

"I'll just get dressed in the cabin," I say, sliding past her. 

She nods and apologises before closing the bathroom door behind her. I immediately walk over to the door and make sure it's still locked from last night. I walk back to my bed and start changing into my clothes. I ruffle my hair again with my towel to get a little more water out of it. It seems good enough so I pull it up into a damp messy bun. 

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I make the beds while I wait for Addie to come out. Once I'm finished, she comes out. I check the time. We're running a little late but that's because of me.   

"Let's go," she says.   

I nod and follow. 

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We look around the food hall, which is almost already full. I spot Josh and Riley at a table in the corner. I tap Addie on the shoulder and she follows me over. I slide in across from Josh and Addie sits in next to me. 

"Hey," they both say together.

I smile at both of them.  

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Addie and I stand up again and walk over to the table. I fill my plate with toast and fried eggs. A nice juicy breakfast. Juice. . .hmm some apple juice would be nice. I grab that too. Addie has a bowl of soup and some bread on the side. We walk back to the table where the boys are half way through their meal. 

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