Chapter 8

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Author's Note: Sorry for the REALLY late upload!! ;)

Dediated to KatelynTipton for helping me to continue!! ;) 

Chapter 8

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I stared at the wall. I was dry. I was warm. I was. . . thinking of what happened today, although I didn't want to. Everyone was still down at the river. Stupid jerks. Couldn't even be bothered to check on me. 

I kicked the wall in anger, which of course, was a bad idea. I pulled my leg up in pain. My toes hurt. I frowned. I hated this camp so much! And what? It's like my second day? I HATED MICHELLE. I needed a voodoo doll . . .

I had to stop my evil thoughts. I sat up. I'd text Molly. I stood up to get my phone but forced myself back in anger, remembering Martha had taken our phones. 

"Damn it!" I shouted.

I just wanted to kill that 'self obsessed' Josh. He was such a show off. Such an attention seeker! 

I lay back down and close my eyes, letting slow tears to drip down my cheeks. I wiped them with my sleeve. . . .

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"Scarlett! Scarry! Scarlett!" An annoying voice called.

I frowned, my eyes still closed. 

"What the hell do you want? I asked the person. 'And don't call me 'Scarry,' I'm not a two year old you know!"

I opened my eyes finally. 

"M-Morgan?" I remarked. 

She looked down. 

"Sorry about the Scarry thing,' she said. 

"It's f-fine,' I mumbled, still annoyed. 

"How are you?" She continued. 

"Just great!" I said sarcastically, throwing my arms in the air. 

It was silent. 

"And why didn't you come and check on me Morgan!" I asked angrily. 

"Oh!' She said quite happily, 'I was talking to Josh! 'He is soo funny!"

My jaw dropped. 

"WHAT!?" I remarked. 

"W-well, he's soo funny!" She repeated. 

I didn't know what to say. After he just humilated me, and Morgan didn't even come and help me, and all she was doing was joking around with him? 

"I can't believe you Morgan!" I said. 

"What's your problem!" She called back.

I was surprsied. She started to stand up for herself now. 

"You didn't help me!" I called back.

"What's that got to do with me talking to Josh, geez Scarlett, it's a free world!" 

She crossed her arms. My mouth was just open, no words came out. 

"And like you said,' she started, 'you're not a two-year-old, take care of yourself."

And with that she left for dinner, leaving me by myself. 

I let my shoulders loose. I was still standing there, taking in what just happened. What happened to Morgan? She was so kind and quiet, why was she acting like this? 

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