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"I like it!" Aphmau exclaimed enthusiastically,
"Yeah... It's exotic... Like her..." Did I say pink? I meant red... Really really red...
"Neva?" I looked down at her and her tail was wagging extremely fast as her eyes sparkled... I guess she likes it...
"Okay... It is a pretty nice name..." I sighed... This is going to be interesting...

"GUYS! HE'S WAKING UP!" We heard Garroth yell from the house... We all ran up to find Dante in Aphmaus spare room sitting up,
"Uhhhhhhhhhhh.... Guys? What happened?" He asked,
"Oh! Um... We were ambushed? I guess?" Laurence looked over to me, giving me a please-help-me-explain look...
"I thought you guys were a threat so I attacked... Sorry..." Dante didn't really pay much attention to me before I spoke... But as I did... He turned and stared... His eyes widened and he went as pale as the frosty snow that was falling outside...
"Y-You look... So much like her..." He stuttered...
"W-What's your name?" He asked with hope in his eyes,
"Y/N." I stated and the once hopeful eyes became saddened...
"Oh... Well it's nice to meet you Y/N..." He stared at the floor... What's up with that?
"I'm gonna go find a nice tree to sleep under so... Bye!" I said before exiting and walking up the stairs before going outside... Oh! That's a good looking tree! Neva and I waked over to the large tree that I had seen earlier before sitting under it... Before I knew it I was asleep...

Laurence's POV- bet you didn't expect that! Sarcasm if you hadn't picked it up.

"I'll let you guys explain... I'll be upstairs if you need me..." Aphmau then exited leaving Garroth, Dante and I alone...
"Dante?" Garroth tried to get his attention but was failing... Miserably...
"EARTH TO DANTE! SNAP OUT OF IT BRO!" I yelled as I shook him,
"LAURENCE! Are you insane?! He just woke up after being POISONED!" Garroth exclaimed... Oops...
"Oops..." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck...
"No... It's okay... I'm just out of it after seeing... Her..." Dante replied... Wait... Does Dante like her?! SHES MINE!
"Who exactly does she remind you of? Hmmmmm?" I NEED to know!
"Oh... Just... My... My..." Spit it out dude!
"... Sister..." ..............................................................................................
"Y-You have a sister?" Garroth asked..................................
"... HAD a sister... She was killed in a fire one week after birth... I... I was only five at the time... But... Those eyes... I'll never be able to forget those eyes..." He let out a sad sigh... Wow...
"So then you wouldn't mind if I thought that... Oh I don't know... That she is really cute and that I'd like to get to know her better?" I just had to... I'm sorry... I NEED to see this! Wow am I always such a Casanova?
"Ok... But if you hurt her then I'll hurt you! She still reminds me of my sister so I WILL protect her from you!" He replied sternly...
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" We all burst out laughing at Dante being overprotective...
"Oh yeah! I forgot how Laurence ' falls in love ' with every girl he meets!" Garroth said between laughs...
"Hey!" I smacked him in the back of the head... Which only made him laugh HARDER!
"This one is different though..." I sighed thinking about the way that her hair blows with the... WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!
"Yup! 'Cuz nothing says I love you like a dart to the neck!" Dante laughed... Then I smacked him too! Man that felt good! REALLY REALLY good!

"Hey boys! I sorta need to check Dante for any signs of further poisoning so..." It was Zoey! How much of that did she hear?! I could feel my cheeks heating up as we left,
"See you in the morning Laurence! Dale, Brian and I are still on duty, so get some rest!" Garroth said as he walked off, I was about to go back to the our place, the old guard tower, when I saw someone asleep by Levin and Malachi's treehouse... I need to go check on her!

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now