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Seasons greetings my loyal readers! Wow... That was lame... Anyway, your probably wondering where the heck I've been by now...
Unicarrot: Got that right sista!
Me:No one asked you!
Unicarrot: *sticks tongue out*
Me: Stop it or you are not getting a present!
Unicarrot: * starts whimpering, which is really weird for a unicarrot...*

Anyway 2 words... No. Wifi. I'm dying here! The wifi that we do have is like... Nothing... So I'm literally aloud on it to text my friends and that's it! I can't even text for long! Anyway! Back to my... I mean YOUR story... *grins maniacally*

Your POV

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"
"... Ugh..."
"YN! For Irene's sake! Get up!"
"But I don't wanna..."
"Get up!"
"Go away!"
"Not unless you get up!"
"Cadenza... I swear say that one more time and I'll-"
"Get up!!!"
"That's it! Your dead!" I have had enough of Cadenza's yelling! I scamper to my feet and fall out the tree and realize that Neva is still asleep and it's STILL DARK! I stand up and have to restrain myself from knocking her out...

"What do you want this early in the morning!?" I demand as Cadenza grins sneakily at me,
"Nothing..." She said as she stared at me, faking innocence... She's up to something!
"Seriously, Cadenza... What do you want?" I said in response with agitation radiating from my voice, as I crossed my arms and glared at her,
"I got a surprise for you!" She started doing jazz hands... I think that's what they call it? I don't even know what a 'jazz' is! And that's when I face palmed... I don't think I can survive another one of her gifts...
"What is it this time?" I asked... Sort of afraid for the answer... If she tries to make me wear any of those weird shoes again, she has it coming!
"Just come on!" She grabbed both of my hands and began pulling me... Again... Towards the streets of Phoenix Drop.

"Cadenza, what are you doing?" A deep accented voice asks from behind us as we stomp down the streets towards her house...
"None of your business, Garroth!" She doesn't even turn around to speak to him, she just continues pulling me down the streets until we reach her door. I was kind of hoping that Garroth would convince her to let me get back to bed... Or back to my tree...But nobody gets in Cadenza's way, especially when she's determined!

"Ta-dah!" She exclaimed, hands flying everywhere in excitement... She woke me up for this?!?!?!?
"You woke me up for a necklace?" I asked... I couldn't believe that she WOKE ME UP! I am not a morning person!
"What? Don't you like it?" Her smile disappeared and was replaced by a frown,
"I like it but I'm exhausted..." I replied with a yawn at the end of my sentence,
"Oops... Sorry... I can get over excited about things sometimes..." Her frown turned into a smile of innocence...
"Goodbye Cadenza..." I turned and began walking away from her and back to my tree... Mmmmmmm.... My tree...

"Hey YN... What are you doing out so early?" Laurence asked as he approached me from the shadows of a building... Great... Another thing to distract me from my tree... Although... I got this really weird feeling in my stomach when I saw his face... I-It's hard to explain... How odd... I've never felt like this before... His handsome... Wait what? Face was lit by the moon which made his eyes eyes appear a bright shade of blue... He looked... Nice... Let's call it that...
"Cadenza..." I replied simply, trying to ignore that weird feeling...
"Why am I not surprised?" He said as he shook his head and let out a small chuckle,
"Yeah... Well, if you'll excuse me... I need to get back to my tree..." I started walking away from him... What? I'm tired! He started jogging up to me to catch up... Here comes that feeling again...
"Can... I-I walk you there?" He asked as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck...
"I think I'll manage, Laurence. Although it's sweet of you to ask..." And with that I was walking back to my tree where I could could finally fall back asleep... Mmmmmm... Sleep...

Laurence's POV


I even did a happy dance back to my post!

I mean... No I didn't!

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now