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Hello! Also! I'm not on my dads wifi! Well not currently! Anyway! Enjoy this chapter! Also:YAY! I'm at a friend's place using their wifi! She insisted! Now I OWE HER! Exclamation points!

PS that girl is wearing the type of makeup you are! You don't look like her in the story! Unless you want to! Exclamation points!

Your POV

A towel was wrapped around my wet hair and I sat there in a what's it called?
"Now don't move, YN! This is my favorite gown and I'd hate to get makeup all over it!" Well that answers that question! I was sitting on a stool, and Cadenza was across from me. Putting this weird liquid-like stuff that was the same color as my skin all over my face.
"I'll do it natural, since your not ready for the full on experience..." She said as she took out a small box with some sort of pink powder in it? She took a large brush and started dabbing it on the powder.
"Suck in your cheeks." She ordered, I did as she said and she applied the powder to my sucked in cheeks... Once she had done that I couldn't help but ask what it was for,
"It's blush. Now for your eyes. And DONT close them! Try not to flinch either..." Now she's making me nervous... Who am I kidding? I'm always nervous around her! What if she's trying to-- What the heck?!

She started putting this liquid around my eyelashes... It's black and gooey...
"Look up!" I do as she says and land up staring at the ceiling. She tells me to look at different areas until she finishes... I tried not to flinch too much. I also had to blink back tears a few times. Whilst telling me what to do, she also put this other black stuff on my eyelashes... I think she called it mask-a-ra...

"Close your eyes..." She says... Now I'm terrified... I feel a small brush softly dance across my eyelids...
"Open... Perfect!" She says excitedly,
"Now for lipgloss, and then your done!" She takes out this tube of sweet-smelling pink goo... That's the only way to describe it... Pink. Goo.

She starts applying it to my lips...
"And... Done! Not that you needed it but..." She passes me a hand mirror... My features are enhanced and eyelashes are huge!

She curls my hair and allows it to remain down my back,
"Dang! Why do you have so much hair!?"

She then brings in that necklace. As well as the dress and those... Ugh! Shoes... They were nice when I first saw them... Now I'm dreading walking in them... She goes out the room and I dress...
"You done?" She yells,
"Yeah!" I yell back,
"I hope you don't mind, but I put a collar on Neva..." She says as she enters with Neva... I realize that Neva's collar looks extremely similar to my necklace,
"Oh my Irene! You look amazing! I even know someone who might faint at the sight of you!" She squeals... Now I'm confused... Faint? At the sight of me?
"Ummmmm... Okay..."
"Now get out! It's my turn!"

After another two hours of Neva and I sitting around doing nothing Cadenza finally comes out with a green dress. It's sleeves are long and fade into a snowy white color at the end of them . The rest of the dress flows to the floor in waves, with diamonds decorating the hem and fading as they travel further up the dress. She wears a white shawl over her shoulders for extra warmth since it's still winter. Her makeup is done like mine except her lips are red and her cheeks have a tanned hue to them. Her hair is done into a... I'm terrible at remembering these things! A... Bun? Yes! It's a bun! With a few ringlets of red hair framing her face. Her shoes are white and I can only see a small section of them when she walks...

"What do you think?" She asked as she began twirling, making her dress fan out like some sort of flower in full bloom.
"It's great!" I reply with a reassuring smile,
"Good! Oh my Irene! It's almost sunset! Come on! We'r gonna be late!" Actually I wouldn't mind, it was their idea!

You can only guess what she did next... Pulled me towards the plaza... What is with her and doing that?!

Unicarrot: You guys happy? You better be or else I'll-

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Caio! Love y'all! ;)

Wild - A Laurence x Y/N storyWhere stories live. Discover now