Chapter 3

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Elspeth bolts up in her bed, phantom pain twinging deep in her side where she'd been shot.

"come where?" she whispers into the dark room even though she knows the voice had come from within.


It's Her voice again. Elspeth sighs, she'll never grow tired of hearing the Mother's voice. Quietly, she slips out of bed, her newfound grace allowing her to traverse the house without a sound. Passing her parents room and making her way downstairs, Elspeth runs her hands over the old banister and reminiscences about sliding down it as a child. She looks above the fireplace as she enters the archway where the ceremonial brooms of each member of the household hang. Would she need hers?

Elspeth shakes her head, no, she already has her wand with her. What use would her broom be?


Besides, it would take time to prepare it for flight, time she doesn't have. She goes to the back door rather than the front and slips out into the dusk.


Elspeth is drawn towards the dense forest, her bare feet moving swiftly through the thick grass. The wind blows through her hair red hair, which had darkened to a deep crimson, and she's never felt so free. She breezes through the trees, her feet ghosting the ground, and feels the pulse of the forest around her. Elspeth exits the treeline into the glade beyond.

"The glade?" Elspeth asks out loud. She had thought the mother would lead her to the cliffs like she usually does.

"You're here," a soft voice calls to her from the center of the glade.

Hey! Just a short update after the holidays. I have a break from college until January so I'll try to update this more often! Thanks for reading c:

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