November 13th

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Why can't you see? Are you really that blind? Or just acting like it? We both know our feelings toward each other but, he still acts in denial. Are you playing me? I need to know. I need to know that you aren't just playing with my heart and that you really mean what you says. I don't think you're playing; but sometimes I think you are. Ugh, why are guys so confusing? Can't they just wear a sign on theirselves reading 'Hey, I like you' with your name in big letters? That'd make it easier. But, I'd be scared to see who you wrote. Would you write me? I don't know anymore. You're the one that I picture myself with. Not the one who sits across from me or the guy that sits in front of me. No, the one that sits on the other side of the room, but we still continue to talk to each other. We email each other every day, and I still stay quiet on how I really feel. I wanted to tell you yesterday, but never did. I'm thinking of not telling you, but I know I should. I'm scared that she'll tell you things that would make you hate me. I can't let that happen. I can't lose you. We've been through so much; so many deep conversations, deeper than the Pacific Ocean, that I don't want to read and cry cause I lost you. You're one of my best friends and I love seeing you smile. I love seeing your blue eyes when I look into them. Ugh, see what you do to me? I guess I'm kind of lame. I've liked you since the 7th grade. I started staring at you and thinking of you more since the 8th. And I've fallen completely head over heels in love with you since the 9th. Yeah, people say that I don't know what love is, and I believed them; until I met you. I know that it's gonna happen. Me and You. It will. You want to know how I know? :) it's simple really. Cause I won't let the one thing that makes my life better; that makes me want to get up in the morning; to push through the school days; to push through all the s*** I have to deal with, go. And that's a promise that I will die with.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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