Chapter One: Snowstorm

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Help! Sunkit thought as the snow tore through her fur. "Sunkit!" her mother wailed through the storm. Other mewls came from her sisters, Falconkit and Skykit. The snow bellowed harder. Sunkit closed her eyes. She could barley smell her mother's milky scent, but when she tried to step forward, the snow pushed her back. Her father kept calling to her as well, but the storm crashed down on the little kit. After a few more moments in the terrible blizzard, everything went totally quiet as the young kit took refuge under a tree log and tried to sleep through the storm. StarClan, help me... she thought as she drifted into an uneasy sleep.
      A cat lifted Sunkit by the scruff of the neck, taking her by surprise. Sunkit yelped and tried to paw at the muscular tabby warrior. "Little kit, what happened?" he asked. Sunkit mewled. She could not speak properly yet. Snowflakes spotted her fur. "I guess I'm taking you to ThunderClan, little one. You'll need someone to care for you, but I bet Daisy could do that." The warrior walked away with Sunkit hanging from his jaws.
      Sunkit was dropped into the center of a clearing. She shivered slightly, and cats began to gather around her, sniffing her quietly. "I found this kit under a tree log. Leave her be, she's terrified," the tabby cat said. He leaped onto a high rock. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highledge for a clan meeting!" Many cats gathered around the tabby. "I found this kit around the lake. She was abandoned too, but I will keep her in the clan. We will need a queen willing to feed her," he said. A creamy cat stepped into the clearing. "I will take her, Bramblestar," she said. Sunkit flicked her tail in excitement. "You have three new kits already, Daisy. Don't forget Beekit, Ashkit, and Foxkit." The creamy cat flinched. "I can manage four, Bramblestar," she said, drawing Sunkit close to her with her tail. Bramblestar nodded and leapt off the highledge. Daisy turned around and padded towards a small den, filled with the scent of mewling kits.

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