The Kiss of Death

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Warning: lots of feels. like a lot. this was requested by an irl friend (TheBeautyOfWriting12) so I just decided to make myself cry and probably u too. enjoy xx

Death. It's something we're all scared of. We don't think about it too much. The only time we learn how frightening it really is; is when we're about to experience it.
That's what I've learned.
It's also a very depressing moment. With all of your family and friends inside, it's bittersweet to you. To the ones around you, it's sad.
That's also what I've learned.
I lay on my death bed, surrounded by family and friends. You know what? Family.
I was diagnosed with cancer; I got a tumor in my brain, and now it's taking me away.
When I was first told about it, I was shocked and saddened. For my own health, we had to break the band up. The fans understood it, though. It saddened me so much that I had to do that. I'll admit, I felt like ending it right there when we announced the break up. I lost weight, became even more depressed than ever, and it was painful as hell.
Treatment helped a little, but I'd rather be making music and performing for beautiful people who come together and enjoy live music.
My thoughts are interrupted by a weeping sound from my beautiful wife, Aja. It kills me to leave her so soon. We had at least another 25-30 more years to spend together. Dying at the age of 64 isn't as good as it seems when you're going to leave your significant other when they have a much longer time to live without you.
I weakly move my head towards her and my best friends, Wayne, Daniel, and Ben. At the end of our careers, it was only the four of us. Any touring member we had left us to do their own thing with music once the current tour was over. It got tougher and tougher to find someone new to replace them, but we welcomed whoever it was with open arms. All of them were the nicest people ever, apart from Wayne, Platz, and Ben, of course.

Dying on your birthday doesn't help too much, either.
Yes, the day I die is the day I turn a year older. It makes the aura in the room way more mournful than you may think.
I wonder how the fans are doing..
They continued to support us through thick and thin, and I wonder how they'll feel when they hear the news. It'll make headlines, I'm sure.
Before the band came to a close, we were one of the biggest names in the music industry. People called us legends, which made me feel special. We were up there with bands we called legends as well, and it meant so much to me.
"Lead singer of legendary band Imagine Dragons has a brain tumor: Devastating news."
"Legendary singer/songwriter diagnosed with cancer"
"Imagine Dragons breaking up for 'health reasons'"
I wonder what will happen when I take my last breath..
So many things are going through my mind now. I mean, doesn't it happen to anyone? They think of exciting things they could've done before this moment. Maybe even the concerts they could've gone to, other career options, and almost anything they may have missed out on. Even scenarios about what would've happened if one certain thing happened, a person didn't come into their life, or even if they didn't discover a certain fact or thing. Maybe it's just things that you would normally think when you're going to sleep for the night, but in my case, I'm going to sleep and never waking up again.
"Yeah?" I breathe.
A teary eyed Wayne steps toward me slowly and sits down on the chair next to me.
"I'm going to miss you so much, man," he bawls.
"You too," is all I can say with the little energy I have.
"I can't imagine a life without you."
"Just imagine dragons," I smile. Wayne laughs a little.
"Even in your last moments you're still making cheesy band puns."
"I got to make the best out of it."
We share a small pause.
"Yeah, bud?"
"Promise me you'll take care of Aja for me?"
"Of course I will."
"And take care of yourself, too."
"I always will."
Another silence.
"Where's everyone?" I ask, looking around the room.
"Outside. We all get a moment with you before..." he stops right there before more tears stream down his cheek.
"It's okay.." I say, grabbing his hand that was on the bed. "It's okay..."
Soon enough I start crying with him, and it takes all my energy to do so. The rest of the time the two of us have left consisted of pure crying. It barely hit me that this is the last time we'll ever spend together. Just the two of us. It makes me use all of my energy to bring out more tears, and I don't know how I'll be able to do this more.
A door opens and I open my teary eyes to see Ben. Wayne notices too and gets up to leave, telling him something before he goes out, but it's inaudible to me.
"Happy Birthday," Wayne says before leaving.
"I can't believe this..."
"I know.. I can't either."
"I never thought you'd be the first of all of us to.."
"Neither did I," I respond.
"I always thought I would be the first one for doing something stupid.." he chuckles.
"I'll admit, I thought so too."
Then, he begins to become a mess like Wayne was. Surprisingly it was sooner than him, but I look up at him, grabbing his shoulder.
"You'll be okay.."
"I.. I can't.."
I give him a questioned look.
"You know, I never told you how much I cared about you.."
"You didn't have to.. I know you did. I mean, you stuck with me for who knows how many years."
"I know.. But I never actually told you how much you really mean to me."
"I never thought I'd meet a person like you," he starts. "You're just.. such a good person and.." he wipes away a tear. "You don't deserve this. Anything bad that you've went through.. You don't deserve to go through that shit. You don't deserve to die before us all. I always wanted you to have a good life-"
"But I did. Every second I've had with you guys has been a blessing, really. I'm glad to have you all as friends. Family, actually."
"I love you, man," he cries and hugs me.
"My turn," a voice calls.
We break away from the hug and let Platz in. We stay there and just cry.
"Anyone but you.. Give this to me instead... I'd prefer that you live the longer life. You have a family to care for, to love. I have no one. Nothing. It's just me. You guys are my family. Those people outside are my family. Yours too. I don't want you to leave your wife and children so early. Please..."
"Hey, hey. It's okay. Just take care of them for me. All of them. Take care of yourselves. Don't be sad because I'm going to be gone soon-"
I'm interrupted by arms around my shoulders.
"I never felt how skinny you are!" he says astonishingly before feeling remorse once more. "All bone!"
"No time to worry about that. Don't worry about me anymore. Nothing can save me anymore."
"I think I'll go before I just start crying so much I won't be able to breathe again. See you in a little bit."
Aja comes in with Arrow and our two other children, Christine and George.
"Dad!" the three call in unison, and come straight to me, and begin to sob.
"I love you so much!"
"I can't believe this is happening.."
"Please tell me this is just a dream. I'm living in a dream. I'm living in a dream..."
"Sorry to say this but it's all real.."
Sobs come from all around the room, mine included.
"Mac said he didn't want to see you take your last breaths. He said it would be too painful for him to see. He says that he loves you so much and he'll miss you," Aja interrupts.
"It's fine that he couldn't come. I thought no one would come, actually."
"Of course we'd be here. We're family."
"This is tough. I hate this feeling so much."
"Yeah.. It hurts to cry. It hurts to do anything, really. It just hurts all over, but the pain will be over soon."
"Dad!!" Christine sobs, hugging me tighter.
"It's alright. You're going to be okay. I'm sorry I won't be there for the rest of your life. Just know I love you. I'll be there for you," I look to George. "And you, I'm sorry I won't be able to go to your college graduation next year. It's going to be okay.."
"I love you, dad," Arrow wails.
"I love you too.. I always have and I always will."
Aja joins the group hug, and we all weep together. It's been the closest this family had been in a long time, and I'm glad I could remember what it felt like once more before I go.
"Let everybody in," I say. "I don't think I have much time anymore."
Aja nods and opens the door, directing them inside once more.
"Thank you all so much.. I appreciate it, really. For all of the laughs, the tears, and every single moment we've all spent together. You've made my life an adventure, and I'm glad to have met you.
"Don't cry.. I'm with you, so I won't die sad or in pain, but with a smile on my face, knowing my family is here to share these final breaths left with me.."
Everyone around me starts crying with a smile on their faces, and so do I.
"Group hug, everyone. I don't care what happens now."
We all come together and hug each other. I feel drops on my shoulders, but honestly, I couldn't care less about that now.


The moment is here, and I can finally see my life flash before my eyes. The happiness, the depression, the music making, the concerts, the fans, everything, until this moment where I die with a smile on my face, just as I wanted.
I remember being depressed as ever, and wanted to end it all there. All I wanted was to be happy with the life I had. It astonishes me that I made it to where I was supposed to die. Not at that moment all the way back then. I wish I could go back to that time and tell the younger me, "You've made it this far, kid. It's going to be alright. You'll meet such kind friends and make music with them like you want. You'll have a beautiful family too. You will be happy in the end."
The life I've lived was a remarkable one, and I don't want it to end, but all good things must come to an end. I couldn't have asked for a more remarkable and memorable one.
Throughout it all, I've come here. In this final breath I take.


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