Day 1

114 2 1

3rd person

Yandere-Chan tossed and turned in her sleep as she had a nightmare about her losing senpai to the girls among Akademi high school, this angered the girl. Yandere woke up in a panic, she noticed that she was sweating slightly and wiped her forehead "oh, you girls are so dead" yandere said as she giggled to herself at the thought of the female students getting what they deserve for trying to take senpai away. "Well its about time that I get ready for school" She said as prepared to leave but not before visiting her beloved senpai shrine "They...they will never love you the same way I do...senpai" yandere's voice softened a bit "See you at school, MY FRICKEN KAWAII SENPAI I WILL LITERALLY MURDER ANYONE WHO DARE TOUCH SENPAI YOU HEAR ME!!..weell I'm off to school now~" yandere sang the last part. She arrived at school 15 minutes earlier just to get the first glimpse of senpai's adorable face. She watched as senpai entered the school gates with a certian sparkle in her eyes made only for senpai which soon turned into an evil glare as she noticed Kokona-chan enter the gates shortly after senpai...

Yandere introduction

Hi my name is Ayano, I am also known as Yandere-Chan because of my love for senpai which most people would think of it as an obsession. And those who do think of it as that will soon be put into deeeep sleeep, if you catch my drift. Anyways, I am an ordinary High Schooler attending at Akademi High School. I have only a few friends at the school [insert dead corpses] since everyone thinks that I am a lunatic. I love being noticed by senpai~ even when he only notices me because of the odd red stains splattered on my school uniform or when I'm dragging my drunk friends covered in the same red stains. Not everything is normal at the school like the mysterious tapes placed in certain areas of the schools or that ghost that'll sometimes appear in the bathroom not to mention that stupid orange haired girl WHO ALWAYS STANDS BY THAT STUPID TREE BUT STILL MANAGES TO TAKE MY SENPAI..and the worst part is that I can't even kill her because its like she has some sort of force field around her and it's like she taunting because of that. After I've properly cleaned my self and try to enter my class, Sensei will scold me and tell me to "behave properly" and expel me like she never says anything about that stupid Kokona-chan and her super huge boobs flopping around everywhere like a puppy with ears too big for his head. Well that's all for now..and just remember...I will cut your hands off if I even see one finger touch him.

Back to 3rd person (after that disturbing that disturbing intro the yandere has given us)

As yandere placed her items into her locker she noticed Kokona disappear shortly after her phone rang. Yandere took this as a chance to try and pick up some info about her rival. "No I said I'm not doing that many breast implants did you say?.....fine I'll do it....where?..sisuta Town, okay well see you tonight" Kokona-chan said as she closed her phone. "I can't believe I'm doing this" She said with a sigh. "I knew they were fake!! just wait till the whole school hears about this" yandere whispers as she walked to class. Shortly after arriving to class a minute late her teacher scolded her once again. "You're to late!! This will effect you-" before she could finish yandere cut her off "OH SHUT UP AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I'VE SAID THEN YOU CAN SUCK IT!!" She said while giving her the finger and walked away. "Teachers these days...they will soon be put inside a never-ending nightmare filled with grapefruit and fruit cake" Yandere-Chan then insanely laughed to herself after thinking of her evil plot...

To be continued (T.B.C)

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