Day 5: Maybe next time...senpai~

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[Yandere's p.o.v]

I woke up about to get ready for school but soon remembered about that God awful teacher who decided to expell me a few days back. UGH, now how am I supposed to profess my undying love for senpai since I can't even step foot on school property until I'm able to come back...

[3rd person p.o.v]

Then a mischievous idea popped into her head as she searched her closet until she found it. She was gonna one punch the crap out of that teacher for what she did (even though none of this would've happened if it weren't for yandere and her big mouth). The one punch slowly took over her body (Idk) as she got dressed and hopped on her bike. When yandere approached the school she knew that no matter how mad she was, she still had to get the first glimpse of her morning senpai. Once finished with perving on Senpai she stormed off to one punch that teacher, when she entered the classroom she found Sensei just sitting there with a smug look one her face.

"Well well, if isn't Ayane on school premises even though you're expelled. Hope you're looking forward to an extended-" Sensei spoke only to be met by a fist to her stomach.

Yandere one punched Sensei and sent her flying out the window like a spaceship.

"Look at her go! Look at her go!!"

Yandere said clearly amused by what she did but right now wasn't the time to fool around any longer because she had a job to do.

[The end of the day]

"Senpai?...oh SENPAI WHERE ARE YOU!!"

Yandere grew angrier every second that she couldn't find senpai. She soon remembered something and ran up the hill only to see Osana leaning to kiss senpai. Yandere gritted her teeth at the sight and pulled out a pair of scissors that seemed to find their way into the waist of her skirt.

Yandere cleared her throat load enough to get both their attention

"Oh it's y-" Osana started but let out a shocked gasp as yandere plunged the scissors into her stomach.

"What's wrong with you?! What have you done?!" Senpai trailed off.

"I Have always loved you senpai but you see the thing is that I came looking for you but instead I see you cheating on me" Ayane gripped the scissors in her hand as she circled Senpai with a crazed look in her eyes. "I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL SENPAI!! AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU IS THAT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT?!"

"What are you talking about?! You're insane we never had anything I barely even know you!!!"

"Now now senpai, you won't be saying that at our wedding now would you?? Because you love me and you will always love me and we'll have children together and live a happy a life with our children" yandere said as she giggled insanely.

"What the heck are you talking about?! Stay away from me" Senpai said as he started to back away from yandere who seemed to get closer and closer.

"TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME!! TELL ME THAT YOU FEEL SAME WAY I DO OR ELSE!!" Yandere yelled as she brought the the scissors into view.

"I..I..." Senpai stuttered, fear written all over his face.

"Say it" yandere grit her teeth.

Senpai visibly gulped before clearing his throat "I love you".

Yandere stood there staring at senpai before she started laughing quietly as it progressed into a full entertained laugh. "I think It's a bit too late..and well, I've changed my mind." she grinned.

She slowly walked towards him with the scissors raised.

"What are you-" Senpai fell to the ground clutching his shoulder as he screamed in pain. But it didn't stop there, Yandere climbed on top of him and repeatedly stabbed him until she felt sane again. But there was still a part of her who still loved Senpai...

She put her lips next to his ear and whispered "Maybe next time...senpai~" after that yandere placed a kiss on his lips and giggled looking at his shocked lifeless face.

"Sweet dreams"

And with that, Yandere walked off leaving senpai in a pool of his own blood.

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