V Lilith

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"Bye! See you guys tomorrow!" I yelled back into the house. After school, Lizzy, Kenzie, Kat, and I went to Lizzy's house to study and hang out. We alternated each others houses every now and then. Normally I did my best to make sure we didn't go to my house because my mom didn't really like me having people over. I was on my way home now. I was leaving a little early because I felt to to go home. I wanted to work on some of my powers.

It was 6:30 at night, but it looked like it was 10 o' clock. I wouldn't have been able to see if it weren't for the occasional street light and the stars. The street lights were spaced out so much that there was a good few feet feet of darkness in-between. It would have been creepy if I didn't know how to protect myself. I am pretty sure the only people who would have been looking for me specifically would have been the government and I think I would be able to handle myself, as long as someone was not holding me.

I was so mad at Barry. He did the one thing that I was afraid of and then I had to save his sorry butt. He then had the audacity to come to me and try to say he was sorry. I may have been a little hard , but he needed to know that he could not just get away with doing something like that to me, or anyone for that fact. I mean he let a government agent beat me up. He got me shot at. Then I nearly passed out because of having to use a huge amount of my powers. Then I had to negotiate so I would not have to leave, I was not ready to leave just because a stupid boy showed up. The only thing he did was stand there like a fish out of water. He may have gotten me out of there, but I could have walked out of there so easily by myself. I knew I might have been being selfish, but it was so hard to believe he could betray one of his own.

As I was walking down the sidewalk I had started to kick a small rock down the path. I kicked it harder and it rolled a too far away for me to kick it again. I started to walk up to it to kick it again. I think I almost started to think that it was Barry's face. Oh how that would be nice if I could do what he did to me to him, but I would never be able to because unlike some I have a conscious.

I got closer to the rock when I saw a blue streak pass me. It was for just a split second, but it was there. I stopped and waited. I could not tell what it was, but there was no way the government was not behind whatever it was. They did say that no matter what I was going to be hunted and I was never truly alone. I started to worry. I was still a while from my house. Lizzy had asked if I wanted a ride home, but it was nice weather so I figured it would be nice to walk. I was seriously wanting that ride right then very badly.

I turned around to make sure there was no blacked out van or something, but there wasn't one car or van for that matter. I heard a whooshing sound behind. I prepared myself for the worst, I was ready to fight my way out. I was definitely not going to go down with a fight.

I spun on my heel as fast as I could. I yelped. It was Barry! "You scared the ever living heck out of me!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled and said, "I didn't mean to. I was out running and I saw you. I thought I would stop to say 'hi'. And before you say anything, I just want to talk. I want to try to let you trust me again."

I looked at the ground and thought about it for a moment. Well, I guess he could stay. Though I bet he wouldn't leave even if I told him to, so I guess I have no choice unless I didn't want to get home too late.

I looked up at him, nodded, and continued to walk toward my house, which was not for another mile or two. He stood there for a second then trotted up behind me. "So, what dd you want to talk about?" I asked. I just wanted to get the awkward conversation over with. "I know you want to talk about what happened the other day. And I know you are sorry for what you did. Okay? This is what I have to say," I paused, I didn't know if it was to see what he would say or if it was for the mere effect of things. I continued on, "I am going to forgive you. I will do my best to act like it did not happen. I know you did what you did to keep from being taken by the government. I know what it is like to be wanted by them. This does not mean my anger will not come every now and then, but I will do my best to not explode on you. I want to start over. I do not want to have an enemy with probably the only person here that will understand me. I know I am sounding like a bio polar person right now, but I have thought about it for a longer time now and I believe I am ready to forgive you." I said all this while looking barry in the eye. He seemed surprised by my reaction. I guess he was expecting me to blow up on him. In a way I am still mad, but I think I will be able to get over it. I guess It could be nice to have a friend that I know I can trust. From now on I guess I will do my best to not think to that and pretend that This is the first time I have met him.

He smiled and looked up from the ground. After I said all this he looked at the ground, seeming to not know what to do. He stuck out his hand and said, "Hi, my name is Barry. What's yours?"

 I took his hand and shook it. i laughed as I said, "My name's Lilith. It is very nice to meet you Barry!"

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