IV Barry

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I always loved school, but that day was the worst day I think I have ever had. Lilith was avoiding me. Every time I would almost be close enough to try to talk to her she would disappear in a crowd.

In third period we had science together, but Mrs. Morgan, the teacher, was lecturing the whole time about space time relativity. Boy! That woman could talk. The whole time I was trying to get Lilith's attention, she would see and purposely look away and act like she was paying attention to the lesson.

I finally resolved to try to talk to her after school. She normally drove with her friends to go home, or where ever they went. After an eternity of waiting, the final bell rang. I hurried to go to the lawn and leaned against a tree in front of the school to wait for her. It was fall and there were leaves all over the ground and I with school being let out you could hear all the leaves crunching under everyones feet. It was getting colder and people were starting to wear warmer clothes. I was stupid this morning and decided to wear a short sleeve shirt. I started to pull my hoodie on. I guessed that was a little better.

While I was waiting to face Lilith, Oliver walked out of the high school, he had a girl trying to flirt with him, but he did not seem interested, I hoped he let her off easy he sometimes gets annoyed with people and was a little rude. He looked up and saw me. He walked over and seemed to be thanking with his eyes as he used me as excuse to leave. It was almost funny how the girls all seemed to hang on him. I needed to get to Lilith. I knew she might not like me or might have just not said anything, but I hoped to at least be acknowledged.

Oliver seemed to be in a good mood, but I he could tell I was not, he said, "Hey, man. Whats up?"

I lied and said, "Nothing much." There was no way I was going to tell him what was wrong because that would have involved telling him I was an NG. He would have freaked out, so that was not an option. I would probably come up with some excuse.

He raised his eyebrow questioningly and I could tell he didn't believe me. I shrugged and looked at the ground, but he did not say anything. That was one thing that I though was cool about Oliver, he was never too pushy or in my business. He seemed to know when I did not want to talk about something.

I looked up and saw Lilith laughing and walking out with her friends. I told Oliver "I needed to go talk to someone, before we go home." He was driving me home this week because my car was in the shop. He nodded and went to throw a football with some of the other football players. I sometimes wished I could play a sport, but it would be too easy to accidentally run too fast and that would be that. No more small town in Washington. Was starting to run out of places to go. I could not go anyplace in the south without being caught cause they know I like to go there. There was no way I am going back to New York. That is a story I do not want to talk about.

I was thinking all this as I walked up to Lilith. She was just getting to the bottom of the stairs. Lilith looked nervous, like I was going to go around screaming she was an NG. She then put on a hard face and looked at me with a frown and said to her friends, "Go ahead and go to the car. I will meet you guys there in a second." She said this without taking her eyes off me. I could see in her eyes and body language she didn't trust me and there was almost no way she was going to. I guessed I deserved it considering what I did. She looked after her friends and when they were out of hearing distance she looked back at me with a cold glare. I did not know how to start. How do you try to make someone forgive you? Especially, after what I did no her.

"You know I do not want to be around you and you know I do not trust you, so what do you want." She was trying to sound bored, but her tone sounded more annoyed and disgust.

I looked down ashamed, thinking of what I had done. I responded, "I just wanted to say I was sorry. I wanted to apologize for putting you in danger and hurting you." I said almost in a whisper.

I looked up to see what her reaction was. I expected an even colder glare or something like that, but she wasn't. She seemed to be thinking. She was staring hard at the ground and chewing on the inside of her cheek. I hoped she would at least give me another chance. I never wanted to get anyone hurt, I just wanted to keep the peace with powerful and dangerous people. Now look how that turned out! I was wanted by the government and was being hunted. It had always been like this, but now it is different. They knew exactly where we were, but thanks to Lilith they couldn't do anything about it. She was the reason I was alive. I didn't have to move because of her. I wanted to return the favor one day and for me to do that she needed to trust me.

She interrupted my thoughts saying, "I have already told you to leave me alone, okay. Trust is something that is earned not just given. If you get in trouble with the government." She paused as to think. "I will try to help you because you helped me, but you need to leave me alone. I do not want to be around people who I can't trust" I stared at her and thought "At least she didn't explode like I figured she would, but it still hurts for her to say that"

She started to walk away, "Lilith! Can I at lease try to earn your trust?" She turned around. "I was just doing what they said. They were going to kill me and I am sorry. I know I should not have done that to you. Will you at least give me a chance? We do not have to be best friends or what ever, it's just easier to know someone that is like me." I yelled in desperation. "I am tired of being alone, I just want a friend that understands having to run all your life and constantly having to look over your shoulder." She just turned around, not answering and walked to her friends car. It was a large, red Jeep. The type without windows. I was thinking the one driving was Lizzy and Kenzie was in shotgun. Kat was in the back and patted the seat beside her. Lilith went to sit beside her. They all looked at her with confusion. She shook her head and said something that I could not hear. Lizzy turned around in her seat and started to drive away. As they drove past me I could hear some music playing and the girls laughing and joking. I watched them in defeat. I figured that would happen, but now that she has said that I didn't know what to do.

I started walking back to where Oliver was playing football. "I am just going to have to do something to earn her trust. My dad always said, 'Actions speak louder than words.' So, I guess I am just going to have to show her that she can trust me. I don't know how I was going to manage that, but I have to try. I am so alone and when I finally found someone that can understand me I shove her away. The biggest fear that NGs have if for people to find out about them and be turned on. That is exactly what I did. Maybe she shouldn't trust me. What if they get to her again because of me. No! I won't let that happen. I want to help her and any other NG that I come across. I am going to help them, not be constantly be on the run. "

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