VIII Barry

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Sorry this chapter is not very good and really short. I just wanted to get out another chapter.



I couldn't wait. I was in the back of school with Lilith, waiting for Samantha to come pick us up. The night before was the first time I had slept all night in a very long time. I had always been on the move and always having to watch my back. Now, I didn't have to. I could just relax. After Henry showed me where I could sleep I was out until he came to wake me up for school.

"What do you think Samantha wanted to show us?" Lilith asked. I looked over at her. She seemed to be excited about whatever Samantha was going to show us. It might be because Samantha was a girl and an NG. I bet they would become really good friends.

"I don't know, but I hope it's cool." I answered after thinking. "I guess we will find out when she gets here."

"Where is she? I mean she should have been here a while ago, right? I mean she can teleport and so it's not like she got caught in traffic." Lilith said with worry in her voice.

"Sup, losers!" a voice said behind us. "Whatch ya talkin bout?" It was Samantha.

"Talkin bout where you were," Lilith answered smiling. "We were starting to get worried."

"No you were getting worried," I replied. "So can we go, I don't want to get caught back here. We are technically not supposed to be back here."

"Then why did you pick the spot to meet, if you might get in trouble?" Samantha asked.

"Yes, why did you pick this spot to meet?" we heard behind us. I spun on my heel. It was Oliver. Shoot! "So, whatch ya doin back here, Barry? You are supposed to follow the rules," he said jokingly.

I glances at Lilith and Samantha, but were not going to be any help. They looked just as scared as I felt.

"Come on. Some one speak up. Barry do you want to start by introducing me to your new friends?" he continued to joke.

"Um, my name is Lilith and Samantha," she gestured toward her, "was going to show me around town 'cause i'm new in town. And Barry offered to come along sense he was a little new too and wanted to come." Lilith said. She had recovered faster than me. Thank goodness for her.

"Nice to meet y'all," he said nodding toward them, "do y'all mind if I could talk to Barry before you go?"

I looked at them. They both shrugged and nodded. "We'll wait here I guess" Samantha said.

I walked over to Oliver and we walked out of earshot of the girls. "By the way, do you know if either of them are single?" I must have looked funny because he started to laugh at me. "No need to look so scared. Jeez. I was just kidding," he said between laughs. "If you have dibs on one of 'em I'll back off."

"I don't have dibs on either of them," I said defending myself. I didn't think of either of them that way.

Oliver continued to laugh at me. "Really? Why are getting all defensive all of a sudden, then?"

"Because I don't like either of them like that. And they don't like me. Trust me on that." I said. "Now, you came looking for me for a reason. What did you need?" I asked

"I was going to ask you if you were going to go to your shift and if you could help me on some science homework, but I guess you aren't going to work," he said.

"It should not take me long to go on the town tour. We can end it at Jerry's. I can help you with the homework then?" I asked.

He nodded "Okay, see you then. Have fun," he said smirking. I just shook my head. Oliver was so strange sometimes.

Oliver turned and walked to the other side of school and got in his car. There was still quite a few cars in the parking lot. He drove off a few minuets later, but not before blasting music very loudly. Honestly, how was he not deaf.

I jogged back over to the girls. They were talking when I came up. Samantha looked up at me and asked, "Ready?" I nodded. "Okay, just relax and close your eyes," I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"You can open your eyes now," I heard her say. I still had trouble explaining the feeling I got when I teleported. It was like I was almost folding in on my self, spinning, and being unfolded by someone, all this happening in a split second.

I opened my eyes and we were in front of a huge building. "Where are we?" Lilith asked in confusion.

"Tomorrow Technologies," Samantha spat. Her voice was filled with hatred. "This is one of the main work places of the dark government."

"What's the dark government?" I asked.

"You know how you hear whispers of NGs getting experimented on and tortured? Well, the governments not the one that does all of that. Its agents who went dark. They believe we deserve to imprisoned, to not have normal lives. They say we are freaks of nature and should have never happened, but, honestly, they are really just scared of us and what we can do," Samantha explained. "This is basically the head quarters of all the dark agents, or as we can them the dark government because they walk around with badges, acting all high and mighty. They government knows about them, but they like to turn a blind eye to them because ever sense they were created NGs started to hide and not show themselves. They can almost pretend we don't exist. Like their world is normal.

"Um, if that is the head quarters of the people who want to kidnap us, why are we here." Lilith asked shifting her feet.

"Yea. And if you know they are here, why do you still live here?" I asked, getting worried.

"We are here because I wanted to let you know where the danger is and to give you the chance to move if you want. You just moved to ,probably, one of the most dangerous towns in the north, without knowing it. I wanted to give you a chance to leave, to get to a safer town. Samantha said. "Oh, and don't get too close because they have developed some type of tech that will alert them of any NGs close by. It will also make your powers stop working." Samantha shuddered at that, as if remembering something.

"Do they know you, Michael, and Henry live here? Or where you live? Do they know about other NGs here," I asked.

Samantha gave me a little weird look. "I just told you, you live in one of the most dangerous towns, and you ask about everyone else?"

I shrugged, "Well, do they?"

"They are aware we live in this town, or at least close by, but they do not know exactly where. They have gotten close to catching some, and have caught others." She explained. "Well, thats enough of doom and gloom. I teleported around the area when I first go here, and I found some cool stuff."

"Where to next?" I questioned.

*SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN FOREVER!!! I was caught up in school stuff. 

I have a few questions for you guys. 

1. Who do you like as a love interest for Lilith?

2. Do you have any ideas how I can improve my writing?

3. Who's your favorite character?

Feel free to ask questions if thee is anything you do not understand something. I know I write a little odd and don't explain things well. 

Have a wonderful three day weekend!! (If you live in the US)

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