God of Mischief? More like God of everyone hates you

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The after math of the attack wasn't pretty Banner and Thor have disappeared, Tony and Cap are lost in thought ,and Natasha and Barton are talking. And I'm with Stark and Cap talking before they start talking about Coulson and I have to leave.
I go see Natasha and Barton after he woke and had the final bit of brainwash out of him.
" Hey Natasha, I was just checking in on Agent Barton and you. How are you?" I asked directed towards him.
" I'll be better when I shoot an arrow through Loki's eye," He said back.
"I don't think that's wise Agent Barton," I said.
" Why? You his girlfriend or something?"
" As a matter of fact I am," I said respectfully. He turns around from pouring himself a glass of water shocked.
" What?! Nat do want to explain why we have Loki's girlfriend crawling over S.H.I.E.L.D before I pummel her." Barton said angrily as I got scared for my life.
" She's an someone who's apart of the team now, she's known Loki a while and I don't know how much of his girlfriend she is after what happened, they've been arguing, you can trust her though." Nat finished and Barton simply said.
" Who are you? tell me everything."
"I'm lily I'm 20 years old I live in new York. I'm friend's with Loki but I'm loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D and want to do whatever it takes to stop him," I finished.
" Would you kill him if necessary?"
" Yes." I firmly answered.
" Anything else I need to know about you?"
" I have mind reading powers."
" is she serious right now?" Barton asked.
" I don't know I haven't seen her do anything," Natasha finished.
" Are there cameras in here?" I asked.
" No, why?" Baron asked alarmed.
" When were you going to tell the team you were married?" I asked.
" How did you..."
" know that? I'm psychic, I can read people's mind and thought and memories."
Just then Cap burst in, "Time to go." He pauses and we all stare, " Can you fly one of those jets?"
Barton comes out of the bathroom, " I can."
" You," he points at me, " Are you coming?" I nod.
" You guys got a suit?" Barton and I nod, " Then suit up."
I get on my kick ass suit made of leather, looks almost like Romanoff's suit but mine glows red instead of blue plus now Fitz and Simmons updated it to not let me melt it with my powers. I've found out I can levitate things as well as fly, I discovered it last night in my room, don't ask how that went.
We load up the quinjet and set course for NY.
" What's the plan?" I ask as soon as we take off.
" Loki is bringing an army called the chitauri and while we fight you will talk with Loki," Cap finishes.
" Hell no! I'm fighting to, I can do it. I'm powerful to you know," I argue.
" Yeah sure," Barton laughs," what are you going to do? Hypnotize them to death, face it Lily you just aren't strong enough,"
" If I can pick up Steve then can I fight with you all?" I asked knowing they don't know about my powers.
They all agree and then I go over to Steve and try to pick him up and fail. Just as Barton is about to speak I say, " let's try another way." Then I levitate him off the ground with ease.
" looks like I'm fighting in NY with you all. And don't think about saying no," I say as electricity crackles through my fingers.
" Now if you excuse me," I say as I open the roof window to the jet," I'm going to try and pursade Loki to call off the army, call me on coms if Thor shows up," then I fly out the roof.
After a few minutes of flying I arrive at Stark tower to see Tony Stark getting thrown out a window along with an iron man suit right behind him. He flies up and faces Loki through the broken window.
" Yeah and there is one other person you pissed off. His name is Phil," Tony says as he shoots at Loki then flies towards the newly open portal.
I step inside, broken glass is everywhere, Loki roughly stands up.
" Are you here to get me to surrender? Because the fun hasn't even started yet," he smirked evily.
" Would you kill me?" I ask with no emotion.
" Never my sweet. Why would you ask a ridiculous question like that?"
" Then why are you killing all of these innocent people?!" I screamed.
     " Its not my fault Lily you know that!"
     "I can't be with you if you're going to go through with this," I say calmly.
     " I figured as much," Loki said.
We stayed silent for a minute, it felt more like an eternity. Loki took a step toward me, we were inches from each other, I looked to the floor. He took his hand and lifted up my chin lifting me head high enough to see him and gently kissed my lips. I fell into the kiss and put my hands around his neck knowing this was are last. We finally broke the kiss after to short of a time. I walked away and before leaving turned to see the Loki I knew before flying out the broken window.

     My wish before was for people to see me now my only wish is to have my Loki back.

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