I Miss Mommy

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3 months and 14 days. That is exactly how long Bethany has been in a coma. I don't know what to tell the kids, they think mommy's is taking a really long nap.

"Daddy?" Jai whispered

"What are you doing up late buddy?" I asked

"I miss mommy" he started crying.

I tried my hardest not to cry as I saw jai burst into tears. I hugged him tight and let him cry.

"Mommy will be fine, I promise" I smiled hugging him tighter.

"You always say that" jai said looking up at me.

"I know, I know" I frowned "Let's get you to sleep"

I stood carrying him to his room.

"Can I sleep with you?" Jai asked

"Of course"

I opened my door and set him in the bed laying next to him.

"Night little buddy" I smiled

"Night Daddy" he hugged me and fell asleep.

+ + + + + + +

"Beth, please hear me out" I pleaded

"Kian, you were fucking some bimbo, in our bed! Let me remind you, you were Married!" She yelled

"Bethany just listen- wait, what do you mean 'You Were Married'" I asked

"I'm going for a divorce" She whispered

"What?!" My voice cracked "you're filing for a divorce when you haven't heard my side?"

"And what might that be, 'Oh I was drunk and she came onto me'?! Kian that doesn't just happen!" She yelled "Plus your barely home and the kids never see you! Half the time you're drunk now! Kian I can't do this"

"Beth, please I'm sorry, I'll try and be better" I begged

"And what happens when you Fuck up?!" She asked

"I-i don't know"

"Kian I can't I'm sorry..." Her voice trailed off looking down


"Kian leave" She cut me off

"No beth"

"Kian, just leave!!" She yelled

"Fine!" I gave up and left

I was walking down the street to see a familiar blonde.

"Hey Linda"

"Oh hey Ki" she smiled hugging me. Usually I would push her away but for some reason I didn't.

+ + + + +

I woke up by my alarm clock. Groaning I streched and looked to my side only to see no jai. I got a call instead of looking I just answered.

"Hey this is St. Joseph Hospital, this is Kian Lawley right?"

"Yeah" I said

"Well I'm supposed to update you on how Bethany is doing,"

"Okay, is she Better?!" I asked nervous



Hey guys its an A/n its been not to long since I've updated but this chapter is to celebrate 1k on this book! Thank you sooooo much I love you guys and last week I told you about reaching 100 followers! Thanks again sooooooooo much anyways love you guys and if I don't update before Thanksgiving, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! okay guys love ya, Bye

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