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1st of March 2015

Zayn's P.O.V.

I'm just not feeling it anymore, I don't feel right, I don't feel happy, I don't feel like I belong anymore. I'm a mess.

"Come on Zayn!! We're goin' out!" Niall shouts to me from outside my door.

"I'm okay," I slowly say, "I don't feel like going anywhere today, but thanks for the offer."

"Okay then! Suit yourself" Niall quickly says, probably rushing so he can go back to Harry.

'Those two are so cute.' I smile slightly at my thoughts about Harry and Niall.

After Niall leaves I decide to take a shower to hopefully make myself feel better.

I go into the bathroom, take my shorts off, turn the shower water on, and step in, letting the hot water sooth my mind that's going a million different directions right now.

I stand in the shower for a while just relaxing. After a while, I decide I've been in the shower long enough.

'I haven't talked to my mum in forever, I should call her.' I think, as I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body.

I head back to the main area of my hotel room, where my bed is, and sit on my bed. I pick my computer up from the ground, open it, and log in so I can FaceTime my mum.

"Hey Zaynie!" my mum exclaims as soon as she picks up the FaceTime call. I smile sadly into the computer camera.

"Hi mum," I sniffle, "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too baby," my mum says to me with a sad smile on her face, "Is everything alright?"

"No, not really mum. I'm not doing too great, I don't feel happy." At this point, I'm barely able to fight back the tears.

"Zayn, tell me what's wrong baby. What happened? Do you need to come home for a while?" My mum questioned.

"I don't feel like I belong and I really need to talk to someone about it. I feel so alone mum." I cry, not even trying to hold back the tears anymore.

"What about talking to the boys? You know they love you and are there for you whenever you need." My mum points out.

"I know that, but it's just so hard. I don't want to just dump all of my problems onto them. They have their own problems." I say with a sigh.

"They'll listen to you, Zayn. You're there for them, they'll be there for you. That's what brothers do, what family does." My mum explains. She always knows what to say.

We talk for what feels like forever. Which is nice because I don't get many chances to do this.

I check my phone and see that it's 6:34 pm, the boys should be back anytime.

"Thank you for talking to me mum, I love you so much. Tell the family I love them too." I say and smile slightly at my mum.

"Alright baby, I'll talk to you soon. Call me anytime you need to. I love you so so much Zayn." my mum said while blowing me a kiss through the screen, I pretended to catch it and put it on my cheek, my mum smiled at that.

I waved goodbye to my mum with a smile, and ended the call.


I hear the boys walking down the hallway, coming back from doing whatever it is that they did all day.

I get up out of my bed, walk to the door, and go out to the hall to greet the boys.

"Hey guys," I slowly say, "Did you have fun?"

"Yes! it was so much fun! We got to walk around and see all the cool shops and stuff, but 'm exhausted now." Niall says, holding onto Harry's arm and leaning his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry smiles down at him and I don't think I've ever seen two people so fond of each other. I smile at how cute they are.

"Well we're gonna head to bed now, G'night." Harry says and him and Niall start walking towards their hotel room. As they turn the corner I see Niall slip his hand into Harry's, intertwining their fingers together.

"I'm goin' to bed too. Goodnight boys." Liam smiles and turns to go to his room.

"Hey Lou, can we please talk?" I ask nervously, looking down at my hands.

"Of course Z, is everything alright?" Louis questions, looking a bit worried.

"Let's just go to my room." I tell Louis as I walk towards my room with him following behind me.

Once we reach my room, I unlock the door and walk in. I walk to my bed and sit down, motioning for Louis to sit beside me.

I'm just sitting there looking at my hands until Louis puts an arm around me and pulls me close to him. He runs his fingers through my hair to comfort me.

"Zayn, what's going on? I'm really worried for you. Please tell me what's going on, you know you can tell me anything." Louis says worriedly while looking me in the eyes.

"Lou, I'm not happy, I'm not myself, I feel like I don't belong anymore." I choke out, I'm literally on the verge of tears right now.

"Zayn, why would you think that? We love you so much. You're our brother, our family, and we love you and are always here for you. What happened that you would feel like this?" Louis says while holding me tight and close to him.

"I know Louis, I'm just not happy and I don't know what to do." I lay my head on his shoulder while he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I love you so much Zayn, you're my best mate, we're partners in crime," Louis smiles when he says the 'partners in crime' part. I smile too. "Anything I can do to help you be happy I'll do it. I'll do anything for you, I love you."

"I love you too Louis, and I know you will. I just need to find myself."

A/N here's chapter 7 (finally)! sorry for the wait, I had total writer's block and had no clue what to write. /:

and the date skipped ahead a little bit bc the majority of the chapters have been just fillers so I need to get to some drama... it's gonna be sad so prepare yourselves ):


I showed my mum the show today and they walk out and sit on the couch and my mum says "why aren't Harry and Niall sitting by each other?" and I was like "good question."

QOTC (question of the chapter): how do you feel about the boys going on hiatus?


All the love, A. x

(this is so long I'm sorry I'll shut up now ily)

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