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A/N alooooha (: I'm gonna do a flashback in these next chapters of how Narry got together & some other stuff. I'm also gonna do Niall's P.O.V. & then Harry's P.O.V. so I'll try not to make it too confusing lol. be prepared for LOTS of Narry feels *insert smirking emoji* lol enjoy !

Niall's P.O.V.

28th of June, 2014 - San Siro

We're all backstage in our dressing rooms getting ready for the show tonight. I'm in mine and Harry's dressing room pulling on my pants when Harry walks in.

"Hey Ni do you know where m--" Harry says but stops mid-sentence when he sees me. I turn around to look at him and I catch him staring at me.

"M-my.. uhh.." Harry stutters out.
"Never mind... I'll uhh go ask Lou.." he says and quickly leaves the room.

'Ok.. weird he never acts like that...' I think to myself while I finish getting dressed.

After I'm done getting dressed, I head to the room that Lou is in so I can get my hair done for the show.

"Ready for me to do your hair?" Lou asks when I walk in.

"Yep." I say and sit down in the chair where I get my hair and makeup done for shows.

"So.. how's Harry?" Lou says and winks at me. I playfully roll my eyes at her and sigh.

"Lou, you know I can't tell him. I mean he's probably straight anyway" I say.

"Oh honey, just give him a chonce. I can assure you he's not straight." Lou says, smirking and letting out a laugh when she makes fun of my accent by saying chonce. I just ignore it.

"But how do you know that? I can't ruin our friendship Lou. I just can't do it!" I say and bury my face in my hands. Lou grabs my hands and move them away from my face and tilts my head up with her hand so that she's looking at me in the eyes.

"Niall, I've seen the way he looks at you and flirts with you. There's definitely something there. Don't be scared to tell him Niall, it will be okay." Lou says and pulls me up into a hug.

"I'm just scared it will ruin what we have." I say and lay my head on her shoulder.

"I know Niall, but you should tell him." Lou says to me.

"I know. I think I will after the show." I say and she smiles at me.

"Well, we better do your hair. Can't be late for the show and I still have to do Harry's hair. Chop chop!" Lou's says and gestures for me to sit back down in the chair.

After my hair is all done I say thank you to Lou and walk out of the room. On my way out I bump into Harry and we hit our heads.

"Owwwwww" I whine while rubbing my head where it hurts.

"Oww is right" Harry says while also rubbing his head. We look at each other and laugh.

"Wow Styles. A bit clumsy aren't you?" I say and smirk at him.

"Shut up" he says and laughs lightly.

"Lou's expecting you by the way. She needs to do your hair." I say to Harry.

"I know, I was just heading there before I got run into." Harry says and smirks at me.

"Hey you ran into me" I say to Harry and stick my lower lip out. Harry bites his lip and pulls me in for a hug.

"Harry stop flirting with Niall and get in here so I can do your hair before the show." Lou says with a smirk. Harry and I both blush and pull away from each other.

After we pull away from each other, Harry walks into the room to get his hair done. Once Harry is inside the room, Lou pops her head back out and winks at me before disappearing back into the room.


Once everyone is all dressed and ready to go on stage, we get in our huddle that we always do before shows.

We all put our hands in the middle and Harry put his hand on top of mine and squeezes it lightly making me have butterflies. We look up at each other and he smiles at me, causing me to blush. I smile back at him and then look away.

We finish our huddle and get in our places to walk on stage. We walk out and start our show.

We sing some songs, mess around, and just have a good time like always.

After singing some more songs, Liam announces that it's time for Twitter questions so we all head to the middle of the stage, and read some questions from our fans.

"Alright here's a good one. 'If you could be a girl for 24 hours, what would you do?' " Liam reads the question.

"Alright, Harry you got an answer for us what is it?" Liam asks Harry first.

Harry looks at me with a smirk and points his finger at me.

"I'd do Niall."

A/n hopefully everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

ok so I finally updated. I didn't feel like updating yesterday because I was really sad about the last OTRA concert and I couldn't even think of anything to write ): I can't believe it's already over, it feels like it just started. I know they'll come back and do more tours so that makes me feel better.

and something else I wanted to share with you guys, in my English class at school we have to write a narrative essay, writing a story, and my teacher was making suggestions on what we could write about and the different genres. She said things like mystery, fantasy, etc. and then she said fanfiction haha I started laughing in the middle of class and people were looking at me lol I was just thinking to myself no you do not want people to write fanfiction hahaha omg it was sooo funny I was dying.

Anyway, here's chapter 4! I hope you liked it !
vote & comment! (:

All the love, A. x

p.s. sorry that authors note was so long whoops

p.p.s (or is it p.s.s idk) this chapter is over 1,000 words! that's the most I've ever written! lol just thought I'd share that

p.p.p.s (or p.s.s.s. I still don't know) I attached a gif to this chapter so hopefully it works

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