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11th of March, 2015

third person P.O.V.


No one can even move, they're in way too much shock to even move a muscle in their body.

"Zayn... a-are you... are you s-serious?" Liam is the first one to speak up.

Everyone is on the verge of sobbing their eyes out.

"I am."

The room is so silent you could probably hear crickets chirping.

"Are you sure Zayn? I mean, this is a serious decision that could change your entire life. Have you thought this all through?" Liam is concerned, they all are.

Zayn takes a deep breath and prepares to break the news — the worst, saddest, most hardest news he's ever experienced in his entire 22 years of living — to the boys, his family.

"I have. I talked with Paul and management the other day about this."

"And what did he say?" Liam asks, slowly and cautiously. Liam is the only one talking right now, the others are just too shocked to even move the muscles around their mouths to let out a sound, they're dead silent and frozen.

Completely still in their seats, afraid that if they make one move, move one itty bitty muscle, all hell will break loose.

"I - we talked about when I'm leaving," Zayn plays with his hands, looking at the ground. Zayn is afraid — very, very afraid — he doesn't want the boys to hate him, to shun him and shut him out and never want to speak to him again. He needs them, he needs his family. But here he goes, breaking their hearts — every heart in this room — telling them that he's leaving the band, and when he's leaving, and that he's not coming back. "M - my last concert is on the eighteenth... in Hong Kong. A - and I... I'm not coming back."

And there they go, they now know when he's leaving, they now know that he's never coming back, that he's gone for good, permanently. And it hurts, it really really hurts.

And just like that Niall is crying. Niall is running out of the room sobbing, trying to escape, trying to find something happy, anything to take him away from this bad dream that just became a reality.

Harry's running after Niall now, to find him and tell him that it's all going to be okay because they have each other, even though, deep deep down inside, Harry knows it's never going to be the same and it really won't be okay.

hey guys, I feel like it's been forever.

i'm so so so sorry for not updating for like a month but I've had a lot of stuff going on and then there were finals (gross)

I literally had 6 finals in 2 days omg it was awful

but now that my first semester is over, I will be updating more often bc I don't have as much to do, so yay!! ((:


I might update tomorrow for Harry's birthday ((((;

& my book Chemistry is up (it has been for a while but I keep forgetting to mention it in here lol whoops) the first chapter will be up soon!! maybe tomorrow?¿ idk, I hope so

don't forget to vote & comment

I love you all to the moon & back

-A 💖

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