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11th of March, 2015

third person P.O.V.


Niall's running. Running fast. Running to get away. From everything.

Harry's trying to catch up to Niall. When did Niall get so damn fast?

Harry's out of breath. "Niall, would you please please slow down? Please baby, I just wanna talk to you." Harry calls out to Niall, hoping he won't notice the pain laced in every word. He's trying to be okay for Niall, he needs to be okay for Niall.

Niall doesn't want to slow down. He wants to run away, he wants to leave this huge mess. But he slows down. He doesn't say it, but he needs Harry. He needs Harry to hold him. To comfort him. To tell him everything's alright, even though they both know everything isn't alright, and nothing will ever be the same.

Niall slows down to a walk, but doesn't stop. "What if I don't want to talk? Can't anyone around here just leave me alone?" Niall spits, his back turned to Harry, not daring to make eye contact.

"Please, talk to me. You know you can talk to me always. You know I'm always here for you Niall. I... I lo- I care about you more than anything else," Harry stops himself from saying something that neither of them are ready to say or hear. Niall is stopped, he's frozen in place. Harry walks up behind him and puts his arms on Niall's shoulders. "You are my everything Niall. Without you I'm nothing. I'm half a heart without you, Niall." Harry whispers quietly in his ear.

That's when Niall loses it. He sits on the ground and sobs. Sobs about Zayn. Sobs about what could happen to the band. He just lets go and cries about everything. Harry sits down beside him and pulls him on his lap, wrapping his muscly arms around Niall's petite frame. Harry places small, light kisses on his forehead as he cries and cries and cries.

Harry starts crying, too. He may try to act strong for Niall's sake, but he's just as heartbroken as Niall. He just wants to erase that whole conversation with Zayn. He wants Zayn to stay. Wants everything to go back to normal, back to how it was when they were all inseparable, when they were all brothers and loved each other so so much.

He cries harder, along with Niall, still curled up on his lap.

"We can make it through this Niall, we're gonna be okay baby boy. You have me. You have Liam and Louis. We all love you, even Zayn loves you." Harry struggles to get out through tears, arms still wrapped around Niall's body.

Niall looks up at Harry. "If Zayn loved me, he wouldn't be leaving the band, Harry." Niall is looking right into Harry's eyes, Harry's soul, with watery, teary eyes.

Harry is surprised that Niall would say something like that. Of course Zayn still loves us, he thinks, he has to, we're his brothers.

"He still loves us, Niall. He just needs to be happy, he isn't happy." Harry doesn't even know if he believes his own words. Does Zayn still love us? Why is he leaving us?

hi. I don't even know how to start this.

I've been gone forever. you guys probably hate me //:

I'm so so so so so sorry. I genuinely am. I've been going through a lot lately and I just don't feel that happy anymore.

we just had friends from Germany come to visit, and honestly, that's the happiest I've felt in a while. but then they left, and it was vv sad )):

I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. idk how I feel about it. I wrote it all today bc I've been missing writing so so much and I wanted to update today (:

p.s. happy very late birthday to Liam ❤️ & happy birthday to Niall yesterday ❤️

vote & comment!

I love you guys to the moon and back,

-alainna 💖

published 14.09.16 ( I wish I would've been putting the dates on the whole book ): rip)

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