Unnoticed[Mayuzumi Chihiro]

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You've noticed how he was so hard to notice(if that made sense). He had always given you a hard time just to find him and keep track of him. But still, you've always liked Mayuzumi Chihiro. You just love his ash gray hair, matching dull gray eyes and he looked so cool when he's playing basketball. If given the chance, you'd really love to get to know him more. It was strange how you could be attracted to someone you barely knew. Maybe Cupid's arrow just hit you hard? You laughed internally at the silliness of the thought.

There were instances when you'd catch Mayuzumi looking at you. Or at least he was looking at your direction. Every time your eyes would meet, it was always you who would look away first. You didn't want to get your hopes up that your senpai had noticed you, but those little eye contacts were enough to send butterflies in your gut.

But what if he really...?

You shook the thought away and just focused on the task at hand-- which was walking home.


You went to the rooftop during lunch break. You've watched Mayuzumi enough to know that he always goes there during lunch. Always. You had never seen him miss a day in the rooftop. Excitement bubbled in your gut as you walked towards the place.

You stopped in front of the door. At the other side of that piece of wood, Mayuzumi Chihiro should be there... Reading, maybe? Scenarios ran through your mind, possibilities of how a spark of friendship could start between you and countless what if's had gone to your mind. You took a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down. As you were about to open it--

"Excuse me," you almost jumped when a male voice suddenly spoke from behind. You abruptly turned and were met by dull gray eyes staring down at you.

"Ma-Mayuzumi--" you stopped yourself from finishing that sentence because damn it, he surely didn't even know you.

Mayuzumi raised an eyebrow. "That's quite a surprise,"

You didn't know what to do next. You just blurted out his name when he didn't even know who you were. Rakuzan is such a big school and the odds of knowing someone as unnoticeable as Mayuzumi was actually next to impossible and you two weren't even in the same year! And that moment was also the first ever time you two talked to each other. Woe is me...

"I'm sorry! I-I'll be going now!" but before you could walk past him, Mayuzumi held your arm. Holy-- he's actually holding your arm! I could die in happiness. You stared at him and just adored his handsome face.

"So you know me?" his eyes were so empty. But that was a part of him that you like most. You personally think his eyes were beautiful.

"I-I guess so..." you replied softly averting your gaze not able to withstand the alluringy attractive face of your senpai.

"How so?" his grip on your arm didn't tighten nor loosen. It was just there. However, his interrogation was rather unnerving. You were afraid that it might lead to a sudden confession--and crap, you might have just jinxed it.

"I... ugh... I just..." of all the times when your brain could be its dysfunctional self, why now? You couldn't think of an excuse. Or even a bizarre lie.

"You just what?" you did the mistake of looking back at him after hearing his voice. He was frowning, but damn it, he still looked so attractive. How could someone this attractive be so hard to notice?

You felt his hand tighten ever so slightly on your arm, "I-I just-- I like you, Mayuzumi-senpai!"

His hand immediately left your arm while he took a step back. Mayuzumi's eyes were wide while his mouth was slightly agape. After just a second, he recovered from the shock of your sudden confession, a stoic expression back on his face. Good for him, cause you still haven't.

Goodness gracious... Please somebody take me now!

"Are you serious?" he asked looking at you skeptically. Mayuzumi was looking at you as if you'd just grown three heads. Was it that surprising that somebody likes him?

You just nodded still too shocked to answer. Confessed... You just freakin' confessed! First you blurt out his name and then you just tell him you like him. I'm so hopeless.

Mayuzumi heaved a sigh. Was he upset with your sudden confession? He must be...

"You noticed me?" his voice sounded tired even though it shouldn't be. Mayuzumi must be thinking you're just plain annoying.

"Yes," you managed to say even though you were already dying of embarrassment inside.

"I never noticed you before..." Mayuzumi said. You knew what that meant. It wouldn't take a genius to get the meaning behind that statement.

"O-Of course!" you forced a laugh, "Mayuzumi-senpai surely n-never..." your voice was shaking along with your whole being as you spoke.

"...N-noticed..." tears threatened to fall, and you did your best not to make yourself look even more pathetic than you already were.

"Hey," came Mayuzumi's voice. Oh that voice... It was the first time you heard him this close. And probably the last too...

"Sorry for wasting yout time. I-I'll be going!" You bowed hastily and hurried downstairs not daring to look back ignoring his calls for you. Why, if what he'll say is that important then he would follow. Gradually slowing down, you came to a stop right at the bottom of the stairs. You looked back cautiously for any sign of Mayuzumi to see if he did follow...

He didn't.


Nijicchi's Nonsense: Even the very hard to notice Mayuzumi Chihiro didn't notice you... And it's sad again... sorry not sorry haha

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