Always Right [Akashi Seijuro]

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"Seijuro," you called the redhead across the table.

"No, you can do that on your own," he replied not even looking up. You were in the library with him doing your homework.

"But Sei--"

"I already taught you that one,"

"How can you be so sure I can do this one?" you pouted even though Seijuro wasn't looking at you.

"I know so... I'm always right." He smirked a little as his eyes finally meeting yours. You looked down to your notebook feeling your cheeks warm up. It was annoying how one smirk from him could make you blush.

"Fine, I shall obey your orders, Seijuro-sama," you said to get back at him. He was never fond of the nickname, but that never stopped you from calling him that.

He sighed, "Fine I'll teach you, but this is the last one."

A smile instantly appeared on your face when you heard him. Seijuro moved from across the table to sit beside you. He wasn't sitting close enough for any contact, much to your disappointment.

"Don't get too distracted, okay?" he said smiling smugly.

"I-I won't!" you raised your voice unintentionally. You immediately became wary of your surroundings expecting someone to scold you for being too loud. But none came.

"You worry too much," Seijuro chuckled softly, " Here let me help you with that problem."

Despite saying telling him that you won't get distracted, you still did. What with the Akashi Seijuro personally teaching you, it's impossible not to get distracted. Not when Seijuro was sitting right beside you, his voice so close to you... and him simply being there with you.


The sound of a piano led you to that room. Amazing, that was the first word that came to your mind. You already had an idea who might be that great pianist who was making that piano produce such a majestic sound.

The music was great and mesmerizing, however, the melody was conveying a sad story. You knew of a pianist that had always just played sad songs.

When you opened the door, there you saw him playing. It was a very nice picturesque. The dull color of the room even made his striking red hair look more vibrant and captivating. It must really had been a miracle that this redhead -sitting there looking all magnificent without him even trying- had asked you to be his girl during your second year in Teikou.

"Seijuro," you said as you walked closer to him. The redhead stopped playing; he looked at you.

A lone tear rolled down his cheek.

You caressed his cheek smiling at him softly. "Thinking about her?"

"She loved that song..." he answered crimson eyes staring back into yours. You wiped his tear away and settled yourself next to him. It wasn't the first time that you had seen Seijuro shed a tear while playing the piano. You knew how much he loved his mother. And you also knew that he always thinks about her whenever he touches the piano.

"Play for me?" you asked grinning at him. A smile made its way to his lips, his gaze softening at you.

"Any specific song you want?"

"As long as it's happy," you replied leaning against him making sure there was no space between you, arms brushing against each other.

"I won't be able to play if you don't give me space," was what he said but you felt his head rest against yours.

"Then find a way, you're Seijuro," you replied playfully, holding his hand in yours while snuggling closer to him.

"Are you serious? Now you're holding my hand," he said, amusement evident in his voice. You could sense the smile that must be on his lips. Seijuro intertwined your fingers.

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