Human [Akashi Seijuro]

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  Part 1: Always Right  Part 2: Undeserved   Part 3: You're here~

You found a piece of paper beneath your book when you lifted it from your desk to put it in your bag. Curiosity taking over, you picked it up then turned it over after seeing that one side was blank. You saw words. Three words...

I can't breath...

It was printed. Nothing else was on the paper, just those three words. I can't breathe?Was someone playing a prank with you? But then, why put something... So depressing? Not sure really sure what to do, you just decided to place the paper somewhere between the pages of your book. It might be important...

But who could've put that there? It was quite funny... Ever since Seijuro came back and left you, yet again, that was how you felt like. You couldn't breathe.

"I don't deserve you,"

Never had you ever expected to hear those words from Seijuro. He had always been the one on top, the victor (except for that time), that certain someone who was next to perfection.

"After all I've done,"

The sadness in his voice when he said that broke your heart. It was undeniable that he did something bad to you, like insult you, ignore you, act as if you didn't exist and just break up with you out of the blue. But Seijuro should know you love him enough to forgive him. Or stupid enough if he wanted to call it that. Besides, everyone does that. People do things that hurt others... Seijuro was just the same. After all, he's also just human...

Seijuro is just human.

"Seijuro..." you whispered to yourself. He had been very elusive the past week. All of your attempts to talk to him had been all for naught.

You just wished he'd stop being so stubborn and listen to you.


Determined to talk to Seijuro, you followed him up to the rooftop. Surely he won't be able to run away. But Seijuro wasn't stupid. Surely, he led you there on purpose.

"Seijuro, you lured me here didn't you?"

"I don't think I could ever face you again..." Seijuro's voice was even. As calm and composed as ever. "But I should," after saying that, he turned to face you.

Seijuro stood tall and confident. It was ironic how his first words lacked so much confidence. Seijuro's eyes were sharper yet he was still able to look at you in such a gentle way... Like how he used to in Teikou.

"I never deserved you either," you said looking at him intently hoping to convey more things to him through your eyes.

"I was afraid," he said as if ignoring your statement. Again, those were words you never expected to hear from Seijuro. But after all he's been through? It just made sense.

"I lost more than just the trophy..." Seijuro almost looked vulnerable. His voice was raw, lacking its usual sharpness. You just wanted to hug him right there, hold him close and just assure him that you were there. But you didn't.... Not yet..

"Seijuro..." what else could you say? How could you ever comfort the Akashi Seijuro? How would you even make him feel a little bit better? You had no idea just how in pain Seijuro was. You could only imagine just how heavy his burden was. It was already bad enough to know just how hurt he was, but it was much worse to know there was nothing you could do to ease his pain.

"_________, I know I caused you a lot of pain," Seijuro said smiling sadly. "You deserve better,"

There he was again... How could he ever think he didn't deserve you? You were just a nobody that -with an insane amount of luck- got the attention of the Akashi Seijuro. If anyone would ever be close to perfection, it was Seijuro. Definitely not you. And even if he thinks he doesn't deserve you... So what?

"Will you cut that out already?" you said taking a step towards him. You bit your lip for a moment before going on, "I don't care, Seijuro."

You had no idea what you were doing. But you figured that just the usual 'telling that person comforting words' wouldn't work on Seijuro. You decided to be a bit agressive now because you only live once.

"N-No, ____-"

"No!" you cut him off. And did he just stutter? "Look, I-I didn't wait for you after all these months just for you to tell me that you don't deserve me!"

Seijuro just looked at you. You just locked gazes for a while. You felt unstoppable, invincible even. It was quite childish to think that when you were just talking to the Akashi Seijuro.

"I'll just hurt you again..."

"Then just apologize when you do!" you took another step forward.

"A simple apology could never make up for hurting someone," he replied. Seijuro refused to look away. And so did you.

"Then what do you want to happen? Cut ties with everybody else that you hurt because you think your 'sorry' wouldn't change a thing?" you took another step forward, "To hell with that Seijuro! It does change a thing!"

You were just a couple of steps away from him. Just two more and you were sure that your bodies would collide.

"Besides... I've already forgiven you..." you smiled at him. But you could already feel a tear streak down your cheek. "And I'm ready to forgive you over and over again,if I have to."

He never meant to hurt you. With that in mind, you decided to be ready to forgive him for everything. Everyone makes mistakes. You do, he does and also everybody else. And like everyone, Seijuro deserved to be forgiven.

Seijuro didn't say anything. He just closed the gap between you and caged you inside his arms.

"I can't breath," Seijuro whispered to your ear softly. You gasped upon hearing the statement. You were worried for a second there that maybe he couldn't breath until you remember the note.

I can't breath...

"Seijuro," you felt his arms tighten around you. He was in pain. Seijuro must be suffering. The urge of being there for him got even stronger.

"There are so many things," he said his voice slightly deeper than usual, "_________,"

You hugged him back bringing him closer to you, "Shhhh, it's fine Seijuro,"

I can't breathe...

You missed him. So much... You missed him so, so much. Arms tightening around him, you buried your face at the crook of his neck. You felt your eyes water even more...

Let me help you breathe...

"D-Don't you ever... Leave me... Again."

"I won't,"

"Don't you ever tell me again you don't deserve me,"

"But I don--"

"You're already perfect enough," you pulled away slightly to look at him in the eyes, "It's I who don't deserve you..."

"____________," he leaned down and kissed your forehead, "I was afraid... that you wouldn't--"

"Oh come on! You know me better than that!" you smiled. "I'm sure the others would be glad to have you back too..."

"You think so?"

It was so unlike him to be like that. But you were more than glad to see this side of Akashi Seijuro all by yourself. Of course, you were more than glad... to give him some strength.

"I know so," your smile widened when you saw a small smile grace his lips, "Glad to have you back, Seijuro."


This time, you were sure that your Seijuro was back for good.


N/N:And there's the happy ending that everyone's waiting for~

See? I can write happy ones too~! XD

Don't know if Sei's OOC here or not but oh well, you can't just get all friendly with the others after all the shit you've done, right? .-. Even if it's your "other self"
Thanks for reading~  

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