Chapter 2

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My eyes flashed open. I woke up, in a room unfamiliar to the one where I remembered falling alseep in. I sat upright, suddenly regretting it because of the head rush I received. There wasn't much in the room, just the bed where I was now sitting on, a dresser with a mirror and a small closet on the far end corner of the room.

There was a door leading to the exit, but it was closed. I went up to the door and tried opening it. It must be locked from the outside because the doorknob didn't have a lock. I sighed internally, knowing that I had no exit now, and walked up to the dresser and noticed that the mirror was slightly covered in dirt.

On the top right hand corner of the mirror, I saw a picture. It was pretty old, considering the fact that it was black and white and you could clearly see the creased lines from being folded so much. The picture was of a middle-aged woman, carrying a baby on her arm like most women do with their children. The women in the picture looked liked she was giving orders to somebody, probably being the "man" of the house, considering how busy she looked.

I'm guessing that the person who took the picture wanted a surpise picture, analyzing how the woman looked at the camera with her mouth slightly open.

Now, the boy who the woman was carrying looked adorable. He was pretty slim, with his tiny bony knees and elbows. On the other hand, his cheeks were so chubby. You could tell because the boy was looking at the camera too, as if the person taking the picture called his name, and his cheeks looked like two round spheres. 

I stifled a giggle.

Wait, what the h-e-double hockeysticks am I doing? I'm laughing at a picture I just found and I don't even know where the heck I am!

I turned the picture over, noticing cursive writing on the back.

"Ernesto, age 2 and 4 months with grandma Teresa, 1967."

I put the picture back, noticing that it was "taped" to the mirror with a chewed-up piece of gum. I shrieked, thinking at how someone so disguting could tape a picture with gum instead of using real tape.

All of a sudden, I heard heavy footsteps coming my way. "It's a man," I muttered. I tried putting the picture back, but failed miserably. I started panicking, I felt scared. What if the man wanted to do something to me? Ugh, enough thinking!

I did something I never dared or even tried doing. I put the dried piece of chewed-up gum in my mouth. It tasted horrible, dirty. On the brightside, it still had a bit of mintiness.

I chewed the gum about 5 times. I took it out of my mouth, trying to "tape" the picture back onto the mirror.

Now, the gum was too moist.

"Hay Santo Dios," Oh heavenly God, I said, raising my hands up to the ceiling.

Note the sarcasm.

In a matter of seconds, the man (ha! I was right!) came barging into the room. He looked so angry with a face that screamed murderer. He stared at me in disgust and I stared back, probably looking like an idiot. He then saw me holding the picture I was just observing and suddenly came barging at me. My breathing quickened, and...

I kind of peed myself a little bit.

As a distraction, I threw the piece  of chewed-up gum I had in my hand at him. I hit him square on the nose, and he actually fell back, colliding his with the door that leads to the exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2011 ⏰

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