Chapter Nine- Queen Lizzy of New Zealand Part Two

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Is anyone else immensely excited about Thanksgiving? I can't wait for the food, for the family time, and for the break! We get a six day weekend! And not only that, but then we have a four day week, and then two weeks off in December! Its funny how it seems like in the second trimester of school, we only actually go to school for about half of it....


I looked quickly over my shoulder past the wall, saw nothing, and looked back forwards. Heaven help us all. Nobody thought that Hunter would come up with a plan like this. This was worse than Carson's! I looked backwards once more, again seeing nothing but a gray door. Looking sideways this time, I saw Hunter perched across the hallway from me, both of us hiding behind partitions stuck out from the wall. Some of the PEP kids had insisted that everyone on this mission wear black, which seemed a little extreme for me, but Erma seemed happy in the clothes we had found at DI, plus it looked super rebell-ish, so I was good with it. Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed my iPhone and sent off a quick text message to Erma, who was up in the rafters of the hallway doing maintenance and security. We didn't have enough money for high tech gadgets, so we had to live with what we did have. Our phones and iPods, some technical stuff our tech wiz's had come up with, and what little supplies we could buy while being underage for certain things, like chemicals (NOT alchohol or drugs).

As soon as I got a text message back, I shot off another text message, this one to Carson, who was in front of us a couple of feet. As soon as I got the message that the text had been received, a small noise broke the chilling silence. The 'Barbie Girl' ringtone rang out in the corridor. My head automatically swiveled towards Carson. He was the only one of us, girl included, who would have that as a ringtone AND forget to silence his phone. He indeed was hurriedly trying to turn off the volume, and looking very sheepish and guilty while doing it.

Hunter had a strange expression on his face, like he knew something somehow.

"They know now." he said to me, as I looked on confused. "They know that we're here. Barbie has given us away. We won't be able to do it now. They'll be warned that someone is out here."

He looked so serious I almost laughed, but I didn't

"Won't they just think that that was someone else's ringtone?"

He gave me the 'I can't believe you don't know this, you're so stupid' look that boys have on their faces almost 24/7, and continued talking. "Do you REALLY think that someone other than Carson, even New Zealands, would even dare put that as their ringtone?"

"Fair point." I nodded. "What should we do?"

"We need to leave." he said. "Leave, and plan another ambush later, before our cover is blown."


Hunter notified the others, while I collected the wiring that we were going to use to blow the door open. I wrapped it around my wrist, while going down the corridor to collect it. As I was picking up the last piece, that was wrapped around the safe styled door handle, Carson shouted "NO, DON'T!" But it was too late. I had already snatched up the piece of wire. As I did, we watched in horror as the ground started shaking, and then the door blew up. When I say blew up, I mean that it BLEW UP. Our technicians may have been 13 years old, but they knew how to make a BOOM.

"RUN!!!!!!!" we didn't even try to keep quiet this time, as we charged down the hallway and towards the airshaft vent we had climbed inside from. Emma beat us up there, and came down to help Hunter, Carson, and I with the equipment we had. Most of the other kids were either waiting outside (it wasn't a big group mission), or at other various parts of Queen Elizabeth's castle, waiting to carry out other parts of this mission that had so desperately failed. You see, what we were going to do was infiltrate one of the meetings that Queen Elizabeth has with her regents. We had been spying on the castle for quite some time, and had found out that after her meetings, she usually eats dinner, then comes back to the conference room for another meeting. We had had Nathan cancel that meeting, while Jared made sure that she would definitely come back to the room. We, (Hunter, Carson, Emma, and I) would be hiding in the room, ready to grab her the  second she came into the room again. That way, nobody got hurt.

But as Emma and I gathered up the last of the wires on the floor, we heard shouting and feet quickly running our way. Angelina's face appeared in the air vent, and she grabbed some of the wires from us, passing them along to the other people, so that she could take more. A couple of soldiers came running towards us, holding something that I recognized as stun guns; luckily, nothing more. They took Hunter first, as he didn't even make it up the ladder yet. Next they took Carson, who was towards the bottom of the ladder. They stunned each of the boys before shooting a stunning bullet up at Lina, making her fall and the ladder, with Emma and I on it, crashed tot he ground. Before I felt the bullet implant itself in my neck, I heard scuttling noises in the air vent, and soldiers ordering others to follow them and catch them. At least they had a chance of getting away. The five of us stuck here on the ground probably wouldn't see the U.S. again until we got back from Juvie. We were SO going to be grounded..............

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