38 • Indestructible Declerations

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A/N: The closer I get to this story ending, the more I begin to think about endings. The ending of my life, and this book, and a painfully beautiful ERA of my life, and that sucks, but is also incredible.

Also, there's something astonishing about being told common phrases when you least expect them, so, thank you to the guy who had to remind me that all good things come to an end. You are appreciated.

Smut warning!!!

Forgive mistakes, please c:


I put his gift in a box, that didn't give away what it was, and set it under my bed as gently as possible, as soon as I got home. Out of fear, I didn't even let myself go under my bed, not wanting to ruin it, or risk damage of any kind. Instead, I called him to come pick me up, the next day, wanting to speak to him, and show him Miss Atomic Bomb. I'm sure he's heard it before, but I wanted this to be in a completely new light. I wanted him to hear this song and know what I was thinking whenever the two of us were together, and know how I was feeling.


And he liked it. He liked it so much that he started sobbing on my shoulder when it was finished, and I finally got to taste how tears felt on someone else's mouth. I couldn't explain the emotion that staggered through the both of us, and then the song repeated itself, and it was like the two of us were wearing down at each other again, and I physically couldn't breathe.

I mean, how am I supposed to be able to deal with him? It was just something I knew I would never understand how to do, and, it's one of the things I wouldn't ever have to understand. Josh was trust and admiration and total destruction, and I never wanted to disconnect my lips from his, and I hoped I wouldn't have to. Not for a time that's significant in duration, anyway.

"So, it's Christmas time in a few days," Josh introduced, wiping more tears from his face, his fingers splayed across the cold skin of my cheek. There was an unbelievable feeling in the air, and his eyes literally glistened in mine when they made contact. Or maybe it was just the love talking, and, in that case, it wouldn't shut up.

"Three, to be exact," I corrected, giggling. He giggled, too, smiling down at me with his hands like electric currents running over me.

"Even better," he hummed. "And you're gonna be at my house, right? You sure your mom doesn't mind?"

My gaze faltered at that, and shifted down to my hands in my lap, and partially his. I had it on his thigh a second ago, without even knowing, and took it away when I realized. "Hey," he spoke softly, tilting my head back up to his. "What's wrong? You nervous or something?"

Because telling him I was nervous wasn't a lie at all, seeing as I knew I was going to be meeting his dad, of all people, I laughed, nodding. "Yeah, actually," I replied, but said nothing about his father.

"Why?" He asked, eyebrows raised. "You've met my entire family already. Minus the hundreds of aunts and uncles and cousins that will most likely, and by most likely, I mean without a doubt, be there. There's nothing to worry about. They'll love you."

"You know, that actually makes me feel so much better," I snorted.

He grinned, kissing gently at the corner of my mouth. "Really?"

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