Appreciation Pt. 2

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for those of you that never knew what i looked like yikes^^

For the most part, I never thought Goner would ever actually turn into anything. I wrote it in such a sucky, horrible place, filled with things I ran from and things I couldn't face head-on, due to the weight that always say heavy and present in my chest, and I cannot believe that it's still here. At 30k reads. And I can't believe that I'm still here. And that large, irrefutable reality is due to those of you that I took three hours to search out and list below, next to a reason that has something to do with you, which really kept me alive and going and writing.

I understand that some of you may no longer be on wattpad, but it's still something I need to do for you.

Also, if I used the wrong pronouns, tell me. Please.

peachtyler : actually, where do I begin with this, honestly? she's fucking incredible (pardon my sickening French, Asa), and has literally been with me since I joined wattpad. Honestly. And I can't imagine how difficult that is for her to have had to endure, because, holy hell, I was a hot mess. Thanks so much.

bethejacktomyalex : she always made me feel like my talents were something that should be appreciated, and never failed to remind me that my writing made her feel good. Which is the reason I even write. It means the world.

fueledbyblurryface : holy shit. There's no denying that she's important, and I care a lot about her. Even now, she's always making me feel appreciated and sharing her stories and her struggles with me, and she's been through a lot of shit I can't even fathom, and she's so sweet, man.

makemeehowell : her comments on Goner literally always make me laugh and smile and look at myself and see someone who can, maybe, actually write. She's been here since the beginning, and I am thankful.

milkyjoshler : bOi, I will have you know that I fucking love the shit out of you. All your comments and shit. Damn. Marry me already.

EndlessAnnieee : you've always been there, you know? Chilling in my comments and making me feel pretty fucking good about myself. Thanks a lot, my dude.

memehustler : because they were just on my page and I'm jacked up from how nice they were to me.

EmeraldInTheFlesh : literally one of the most encouraging people in the world. Your support still means the world.

findinghope4you : thank you for sharing your struggles with me, and letting Goner mean something to you. It means everything.

JayTheFanboy : my friend, who was always sweet and simple and very nice to me. I thank you everyday for allowing me to know that my writing made you feel less alone. Seriously. Wow.

albumleaf : he hasn't read this trash, but I'm still hella fucked up because he's so nice to me. He deserves everything, man.

So, this is a disgustingly vague list of the people who have impacted my life through my first completed story, and I don't think you understand how much I love all of you. From comments to votes to adding my stories to your reading lists, all the encouragement means everything. All the support that has kept me alive. Thank you so fucking much. You don't know how much it means to hear that you've taken something I've written for myself, and turned it to something you relate with. Something you found a goddamn home in.

I've never felt more at home than I have right here, among the clique. You guys are my family, and I have never been more grateful. Talk to me whenever you want/need/feel like it, because I care about you all so much. I love you so goddamn much.


And, with that, please stay here. And stay alive.


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