Chapter 9

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Your POV

Though you and Mark were ecstatic that you were together again, your time together didn't last long, as he had to go back home and work.

"Mark, don't leave. We're having so much fun together."

"I know, (Y/N), but I have to go back. I'd stay if there was my usual equipment, but sadly there isn't any equipment."

An idea suddenly popped into your head.

"Maybe if we went and bought some, you can stay another few days? Maybe you can show me how to do your job."

Mark smirked.

"You know, that sounds very possible. Let's give it a shot, yeah?"

The two of you went out and looked for basic things. You had gaming consoles and a computer already, so all you really needed were things to record with. Mark showed you some of the basic things that would work just fine for making videos.

"So what kind of videos would you wanna do?" Mark asked at the checkout line.

"Hm, I think I just want to do video games, maybe some challenge videos. Things I can do either by myself or with other people, like my sister."

"So basically my channel. Watch out, I might sue you for copyright." Mark jokes, putting his hands on his hips.

"Really? Everyone is basically that now!" You say, nudging him.

You purchase all necessary equipment and head home to set everything up and get started.

"Damn!" Mark exclaimed.

"What happened what's wrong?" You ask.

"Well... You don't have soundproofed walls, so screaming is gonna really be heard." He explained.

"Well then, you're just going to have to do another 'World's Quietest Let's Play' if you don't want noise complaints now, aren't you?" You say, patting him on the shoulder and walking away to let him record.


After about an hour or so of what seemed to be gaming, Mark walks up to you and takes you by the hand.

"Now that this part is done, I'm gonna show you how I edit and make thumbnails." He says as he leads you back to the computer.

He's got a video editing application open, as well as your photoshop application.

"So here we have the different cuts of video..."

After that, you couldn't help but just fangirl a bit at the fact that he was working, at your house, no less. You watched in admiration as his video came together right before your very eyes. He explained everything to you so you at least got the basics, should you ever decide to make a channel of your own, and when he started uploading the video he turned to you.

"(Y/N), how did I do?" he asked.

"I mean, I've got the basic things remembered. Maybe I do wanna be a YouTuber, haha..."

"In my opinion, I think you'd do well. You and your sister could do a great job and with your fantastic brain, you could have funny and creative content. I think you should give it a try." he replied, taking your hand and running his thumb across your knuckles.

"Are you at least going to stay a little longer, maybe to help us out?" you ask, squeezing his hand gently as if to say 'please say yes'.

"I can stay until the end of the week. I'm gonna try to go back home on Saturday, I'm sorry we can't be together longer and see each other more frequently," he says, looking down at your hands.

"Well, I guess I'll have to talk to my sister about it. Thanks, Mark, this was great. You're a pretty good teacher." you say, turning to leave and find your sister.


Laying on her bed upside down and head hanging off her bed, your sister was watching a video. Quiet, but audible, were the laughs of Arin and Danny, playing either a funny game or making silly jokes.

"What's up?" Khalida asks.

"So, you know how Mark-"

"Your boyfriend, yes," she interrupted, sitting up to look at you, her face pink from all of the blood rushing.

"Yes. Why do you always do that? You always interrupt me and call him 'your boyfriend' whenever I talk about him." you replied, frustrated.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to prove that it's real like it's not some amazing fantasy come true. I won't do it anymore, pinky swear. You know I'm for real when I say 'pinky swear' I never break a pinky promise." she says, putting one hand on her heart and holding her other hand up with her pinky sticking up.

"Really? Whatever. Anyways, Mark thinks that I should have my own channel, and I'm not too sure if I should do it. He's taught me his basics of recording and editing, but I'm nervous about it."

"Well, I could help somehow. Like I could be in videos until you get used to being on camera, talking to it like it's a person or millions of people when the time comes."

"What if it was like a You and Me type of thing, like, not just mine and not just yours." you propose, implying something more.

"So like Game Grumps? Or Dan and Phil?" she asked, excitement growing.

"Yeah, just like them. How about it?"

"Dude oh my god. Dude. DUDE. Yeah!" your sister jumps up and starts jumping around. After about five seconds, she stops and looks you dead in the eyes.

"What are we gonna call ourselves?" she asked, eyes wide.

"Well, shit."

The process of the Youtube Username availability has begun.

AN: I know it's been forever since I've last updated. I've just had so many ideas but none of them wanted to fulfill themselves in writing. I've had so many issues going on since the last update and I'm going to try my hardest to update more. Thank you, everyone, for reading this, and I hope you enjoy the next coming chapters, cuz this is where it's gonna get good! Sorry again if this chapter wasn't very long.

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