Chapter One

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'Oh no. Really?! Him?! He's my friend, I can't just have feelings for him! Would he feel the same way? Who knows? Duh, he knows. Well, I can't tell him this, he'd probably think I'm weird and never want to talk to me again! What do I do?'


"Did you get them?" Your sister Khalida asked in anticipation.

"Yeah. I got them." You replied, sighing in contentment and finality.

"Yes!" She yelled, cheering in victory.

You had just finished buying plane tickets to LA and the tickets for VidCon. You had both saved up money from working at the bookstore to go. Being the people you were, though, it was hard to resist your urges to spend it. Finally, after saving up a year and a half's worth of money and years of wishing to go, the both of you finally got your dream come true.

You had prepared yourself a week's worth of luggage, and closing it wasn't the easiest thing to do. You had planned going to the 3 days VidCon lasted, then the other 4 days going around LA and San Diego for sight seeing and memory creating. The flight was set to leave at the unholy time of 5 am, and you had to be there by 4 for all of the horrible lines that waited.

Your alarm woke you at 3 on departure day. You woke up, looked at the alarm and groaned, smacked the alarm to turn it off, then groggily climbed out if bed. You walked into your bathroom and took a look at yourself in the mirror.

"Kid, you look TERRIBLE." You said to yourself, laughing.

And you did. Your eyes were nearly closed shut from eye gunk, your clothes were all disheveled from tossing and turning all night, and your hair at least stayed in the bun it was in, but looked like a bird's nest that was attacked by a tornado.

"Hm, what to fix first?"

You decided to start with the eye gunk, which was hard to get rid of since it seemed as hard as a rock. Then you realigned your clothes, looking somewhat more presentable, though you would be changing in the next couple of minutes. Finally, your hair. It took every piece of willpower to not try to cut out the hair tie that was stuck in your hair.

"OW. Ouchless hair ties, my ass."

You finally got it out and just put it in a neater high bun. You brushed your teeth, and out your toothbrush into a plastic sandwich bag and put it in your luggage. You changed from a t-shirt and pajama pants to a sweater and leggings. You double checked everything to make sure you weren't forgetting anything important.

"Toothbrush? Check. Clothes? Obviously. Deodorant?" You sniffed yourself. "Yup. Got it. Wallet and ticket, yes and yes. Okay. I think I'm good on everything. Great!"

You ate a slice of cold leftover pizza while waiting for your sister to get ready, and left after she was done and finished eating. It was 3:45 when you left the house.

Driving as fast as legally possible, you made it to the airport at 4:15. First came the luggage check-in line. It wasn't so bad, considering only a few humans were awake at this time. After the bags were taken away, you moved on to the line so security can check your ID and plane ticket. That one was the worst. Though there didn't seem to be too many people in the line, the security sure did take their time to check everybody.

"Jeez, can this line get any slower?" Khalida complained.

"I know, right? But I mean, if we WERE moving slower, I think we'd start moving backwards." You replied, yawning after.

After that line came the chaotic metal detector line. The both of you rushed to take shoes, keys, phones, and carry-on bags of and out of pockets so they could be put through the x-ray machine. You always got a little nervous when they asked you to step through the metal detector, not knowing if something was still on you. When you cleared, you rushed to go grab your things and quickly put everything back on and in your pockets. Now, the only thing left to do was find the gate and board the plane.

You checked your ticket for the gate number. Turning to your left, you walked over to gate 3. You made it there with 10 minutes of spare time before the plane started boarding. Getting on the plane, you choose a seat closer to the front. Khalida sat on your left side by the window, and had an empty seat on your right side. As more and more people got on, you were hoping nobody would sit next to you, but eventually someone did. He was one of the last people to board and looked around for an empty seat. He politely asked to sit by you, and you said yes. He was a tall man, handsome, but dressed in black sweatpants and a sweater to match. He sat down, opened up his carry-on, and pulled out a breakfast burrito. He then devoured half of it in thirty seconds, then put it away. You watched in awe and horror, more awe than horror, at the event.

After the long speech the flight attendants gave, the plane started to move. It drove down the runway, going faster and faster so it could take off properly, and watched in excitement when it took off and the world started shrinking beneath you.

'This is gonna be a great trip.' You said to yourself, happiness fluttering in your heart, as the plane soared and took you toward your destination.

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