I'm...I'm so...Sorry

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Ian's POV
I got up to got to the bathroom. As I walked I saw a man on the dance floor. It was Anthony.
I smiled. "Hey. Anthony." He turned around. "I-Ian...Is is...is it y-you?" I smiled at him.

"Yes...Are you okay?" He looked drunk. "N-No...I-I-Ian...I'm s-seeing co-colors...And and...I. I-I..." I stopped him. "Anthony how much did you drink?" He started to tear up. "Um....Uh..I-I thi..think about...Uh...8 shots o...of tequila." I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled at me.

"Ian...I'm..I'm so..sorry. Y-You aren't st-stupid...Trust me..." I smiled at him. "Anthony... I know you didn't mean that." He smiled back. "I love you Ian!" Then I kissed him.

Anthony's POV
I felt Ian's lips press on mine. It felt just like the first time I kissed him. It was so passionate. I felt more sober then drunk now. "I love you too Anthony." Then these two boys came over. "You must be Anthony?" The pale one said.

I shook his hand. "Yes. And who are you?" "I'm Phil. And this is my partner Dan!" I then shook hands with Dan. "Well nice to meet you guys." We all sat down in a booth.

"Anthony? Are you okay?" I smiled at Ian. That's when I remembered about proposing to Ian. "Um...Yes....But wait." I went to the DJ at the club. "Hey buddy. Can I use the microphone?" He gave me the microphone.

Ian sat down in a chair. "Um... Hello! My name is Anthony Padilla." Everyone at the club started to listen. "So... I'm here today with my beautiful boyfriend. Ian! Say Hi Ian!" Everyone said hi to Ian.

"Well...I love Ian. So much. And.... And I can't live without him. I've known him since 6th grade. I love him so much. I'm in love with my best friend. He is my other half. And I want him to officially be my other half." I walked to Ian. Then kneeled down. "Ian Andrew Hecox.... Will you marry me?" He was surprise.

"Yes yes. Anthony! I will." He jumped up then hugged me. We kissed. "I love you! So so much Anthony!" He kissed me around my neck. I laughed. Then I his ring on. "It's...The one I wanted. Thank you so much babe!" I kissed him again.

We hung out with Dan and Phil a little longer until it was getting late. "Well bye guys. We'll see you at the wedding!" Ian waved at them. "Bye!" We went into our hotel room.

"I can't believe it Anthony! We're gonna get married!" I closed the door. "Ian...I'm really TRULY sorry about earlier." He smiled at me. "Anthony. It's alright. I'm okay." We kissed. "Well let's go to sleep."

We changed into our pajamas then fell asleep. "I love you way to much Ian." He laughed. "I'm like a drug." We giggled then fell asleep.

"I Love You!" (Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now