Thank you

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It has been a little over a year since I entered the world of Wattpad. To me it was a big step for my own self-confidence to let people read my personal stories for the first time and at first I was a little hesitant. But I decided just to try it and see how it went.

My first story to ever have published on Wattpad was Bite Me, some of you may have already read it, about a lonely polar bear and his trials and tribulations with love. It was a story bouncing around in my head for a while and finally I just said to myself, "Just write a story you would want to read." So that's what I did.

Bite Me has become my most popular story on Wattpad since that day and I am so thankful to the Wattpad community for encouraging me with comments of love and support through my first journey here.

Thank you.

Since its completion there have been quite a few people asking for more from Bite Me. I have avoided writing two stories at once simply because my life has become a bit busier and I wished to do my stories justice. But now with one of my favorite holidays coming just around the corner I feel its time to return to the two bears who had started it all :)

This story will be written as my thank you to Wattpad. Nothing dramatic, nothing sad, nothing angering. Just love and Christmas spirit shall be written in this short story. I want a story that people can laugh at and cuddle up with a hot mug of cocoa with.

So once again, thank you Wattpad. I hope you enjoy this little story I have to offer :)

Sincerely, OliverTwist96

Carol of the BearsWhere stories live. Discover now