Chapter 7

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Song: Have Yourself a Merry little Christmas, by- Mel Torme'

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Avery's POV

Christmas' Eve

I awoke slowly at first feeling a hand on my shoulder shaking me softly. I groaned and pulled the thick wool blankets closer to me feeling their warmth soak into my skin.

"Avery.... Avery baby wake up..."

I moaned rubbing at my eyes as the fuzzy voice that was speaking slowly started to cut through the fog of sleep.

"Mmmnmmnnng.... Rick?..."

I blinked a few times trying to see past the darkness that blanketed the room and saw Rick kneeling in front of where I lay in our bed wearing a big grin on his face.

"Baby wake up, I've got a surprise for you."

I yawned trying to slowly untangle myself from the blankets hearing Rick's muffled chuckles as he began to help me out of bed.

"MMmwha-what time s'it it?" I looked sleepily over at the night stand to see the bleary analog clog ticking away stating quite clearly that it was an ungodly hour.

I looked to Rick who was pulling clothes from my drawers and handing them to me.

"Here, get dressed. It's chilly out."

I looked at my mate like he was crazy but all he did was give me a soft kiss on the forehead, a sweet smile playing upon his lips, and quietly shuffle into the bathroom.

I sat there for a while rubbing at my tired face feeling stiff and about ready to fall back asleep. I had just fallen asleep a few hours ago after a day filled with Christmas goodies and family games.

We had woken up a bit late for breakfast and spent the day watching Christmas specials and playing board games. It was a day filled with family fun and love. I hadn't had a Christmas like this in years and it wasn't even over yet. Tomorrow morning we'd wake up and open presents and have another fantastic day of fun and family. We had even invited Evie and Scott over for Christmas lunch along with their family.

I had gone to bed early after snuggling up on the couch with a hot chocolate and Rick so I could get up early Christmas morning to help Mary make Christmas dinner.

But now...

I unfolded the clothes Rick had handed me and saw that they were my thick winter clothes. I just shook my head as I began to pull them on over my pajamas feeling the faster we got this done the faster I could go back to sleep.

I had just gotten on my thick jeans over my two pairs of long johns when Rick came out of the bathroom. He beamed at me before he helped me into my sweater and wrapped my wool scarf about my neck. He pulled me to the door and made the motion with his forefinger to remain quiet.

We tiptoed about the living room where Jakob lay sound asleep after having lost the game against his brother to be able to sleep in the guest room.

Rick took me to the foyer were we squished ourselves into our coats and boots. He then pulled me outside and to his truck. It was snowing pretty thickly but not harshly. It was a soft, fluffy snow that drifted down and coated everything in a thick blanket of white.

Rick remained happily quiet as he helped to buckle me in and settled into the driver's side. It was only when he started the truck that I turned to him, "Rick, what are we doing?"

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